August 2016 Hatch-A-Long

This is Flopsy. She is sitting on 10 eggs from our Black Jersey Giant flock. It is day 13 and all of her eggs are sired by Colonel Cluck, our gentlemanly Rooster. This is our first attempt at hatching eggs and you can see that she has plucked a lot of the feathers from her undercarriage to have better contact with her clutch.

She is so pretty!
I'm trying to sit on my hands til Tuesday. I'm just so ready for them to pop out. I know 30 out of the 50 I still have in incubator is alive, some of the brown ones I can't see in so hoping they hatch. Good luck every one!
I'm trying to sit on my hands til Tuesday. I'm just so ready for them to pop out. I know 30 out of the 50 I still have in incubator is alive, some of the brown ones I can't see in so hoping they hatch. Good luck every one!
Me too I've gotten addicted to candeling! Lol Good luck with your hatch! What are you incubating?
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Started with 42 mixed a&m and Pharaoh on Tuesday. Found one cracked on Wednesday so I replaced it with 12 golden 12 silver and 6 cinnamon.
So I've been doing some 'chicken math'. If I have 10 chicks that actually make it from this hatch and a chance that at least half will be boys, I'll be left with no more than 5 hens.....I just don't think that's enough ;)

I think I need more eggs
I've got 4 in the bator, supposed to hatch about the 22nd. Had some issues with just about everything at first, broken eggs, power off, humidity.... But we're hanging in there!! Lol will not candle again until Tuesday next week to see if they're viable for lockdown. :fl
Day 10 update

So far the new Rite Farm 3600 incubator is performing very well. It is keeping the temperature very stable and consistent. We just completed our day 10 candling session. Out of the original thirty eggs set, twelve eggs were pulled for fertility issues or quitters. A little disappointing, but we will soldier on with the remaining 18 eggs.

Hope everyone else is having good success with their August hatches. Here's to fuzzy butts by September!

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