August Hatch-A-Long

Keet stopped peeping so I went out to check. The older keets are all pressed up against the partition and keet is calm, eating and drinking. I’m going to leave things alone for now. I don’t think that the older keets would attack - these guys had so many (50!) newly hatched keets introduced to them, and they just seem very interested. However, they are so big and so very flighty, dashing everywhere and bouncing off the top low ceiling. I’m afraid that they would accidentally crush this little keet, who’s looking like he has a new lease on life. We may end up selling this plus newly hatched keet (counting my chicks before they hatch!) as it’s going to be hard to get them integrated with this group due to size and nutritional differences. The downside of that plan is that most people who want just a pair of keets probably don’t know much about guineas, and I’d probably be dooming them...

Aww, I hope they sleep there to keep little one company. So sweet!
I have been saving all my eggs from my red broiler hens.... this could be fun! I will set them this weekend.
Evidently I need to also join the September hatching thread.... sigh I was supposed to be done
are the Red Broiler eggs going to be a part of the mystery father game or do you know who they were bred with?
What an awesome sight to wake up to. Two more boys.


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are the Red Broiler eggs going to be a part of the mystery father game or do you know who they were bred with?
These eggs will be out of either my Delaware rooster or my white Nn. They are currently in with the nn but 2 were in with the Delaware up till a couple days ago... the roosters are half brothers out of the same father so either way I am very interested in seeing what we get. They should get plenty of size.
I had a gal over yesterday and she kept commenting on how Big my roosters are, too bad she didnt get to meet my treebeard before he passed, he was a big boy. His sons have size but not quite as big as he was.

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