Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I haven't heard the marsh frogs either. I think the weather has been too freaky for them. Mum around the corner often has tubs and tubs full of them around her yard as the silly things and the green frogs lay in sandy bottom puddles in the paddock behind. Being sand they dry up in hours. She hasn't had many either for a awhile.
Look what I found in my kitchen this morning.

Rodent problem? What rodent problem
I haven't heard the marsh frogs either. I think the weather has been too freaky for them. Mum around the corner often has tubs and tubs full of them around her yard as the silly things and the green frogs lay in sandy bottom puddles in the paddock behind. Being sand they dry up in hours. She hasn't had many either for a awhile.
So not just my garden then.
I do like their clucking noise out my bedroom window, and miss it this summer.
Still have the dwarf green tree frogs everywhere though.
Nothing changed in my ponds for years, same fish, same vegetation.. oh hang on, I did cut down a big tree, so perhaps less shade.
Hope they move back in.

I found 3 cane toads in one pond the other night. Searched for strings of eggs, but found none luckily.
Hi All,

Can you guys give me your input on chook food. Mine are not keen at all on layer pellets so after many trials I mainly use laying mash. The only two types I can get locally are ADVANCED & RED HEN BLUE BAG. I am not 100% happy with either brand. The crew prefer the Advanced but it has SO much corn. I find the Red Hen smells a bit and seems to attact flies. I would really love other opinions and reccomendations on the types you guys use.
My guys free range about 50% of the time so they really only eat any of the produced food on coop days.I have 12 chooks so buy the 25 kg bags.
When I went over to check on the hatchlings the 2 girls had left the nest with the babies. There were still several unhatched. I collected them up because they were cold, only to hear peeping from one of them. Once I identified the egg I decided to pop it under a light Sussex hen overnight. This morning it had hatched so I reunited it with its siblings. Most of the other eggs were at various stages of development . I hadn't figured in the Silkie hen that has mated to a Columbian Wyandotte climbing in behind them and laying more eggs. Of course the greedy Wyandotte hens would have said " thank you very much " and promptly tucked them in with the others. So I now have 3 more
'Unplanned ' wylkies. Will be interesting to see how they turn out.


Sam I was just about to say no where I know in syd sells those chips.. BUT! I do drive all the way from Manly to Enfield to get the chicks and chooks feed from there so ill deff be getting those chips! Thanks for that I can't wait for my next hatch to try em.. Got 36 Silkie eggs arriving Tuesday :D
There you go, worried about a little stick insect and you want slimey frogs. There's just no telling with some people.

Seriously - You may still need to remove them from the pond and it's much easier to do it while eggs. That pot doesn't look big enough and the tadpoles will swim out the bottom depending on where the holes are in it.

I know it would be nice to keep them in the pond but you'll need to get rid of the gold fish and get tadpole friendly fish to succeed. You'll also need something for them to climb on to when they start growing legs, shelter and tadpole food. A tub is all you need and if you put it near the pond in the shade it will be just like they're still in the pond.

I heard some great frogs in the waterway on my walk to the train this morning. Different ones that I haven't heard before or know what they are. Good luck with them.. BTW chooks love eating frogs.
Stick Insect = Eeeew! Frogs = Aaaaw
*Tee Hee*

Thank you MyHaven, I was hoping for some tips! I thought I might have to move them and this morning when I went out; she had deposited another raft of eggs! Woo hoo, I am so happy; it probably seems silly to some but I have been trying so hard to get my tropical oasis just right. I was hoping not to mess with them by moving them but I agree they have more chance of survival out of the pond; moving the goldfish is not an option. I have transferred them to a bucket 3/4 filled with water from the pond and popped it next to the pond in the shade. A bucket is probably a bit high but will do for now until (if) they hatch. In the meantime I will hunt around for something more suitable; less height. I read I will need a stick or something for them to crawl out on, so will work on that also. Yeah, I thought my girls would probably like frog entree; not much I can do about that, the chickens are not going anywhere! lol
Hi All,

Can you guys give me your input on chook food. Mine are not keen at all on layer pellets so after many trials I mainly use laying mash. The only two types I can get locally are ADVANCED & RED HEN BLUE BAG. I am not 100% happy with either brand. The crew prefer the Advanced but it has SO much corn. I find the Red Hen smells a bit and seems to attact flies. I would really love other opinions and reccomendations on the types you guys use.
My guys free range about 50% of the time so they really only eat any of the produced food on coop days.I have 12 chooks so buy the 25 kg bags.

Mine will leave the layer pellets too. I buy 3 bags of tassie hen ( free range mix with shell grit ) and add I bag of happy hen pellets. The pellets are much smaller than others on the market. In winter I add a few kilos of hulled oats and black sunflower seeds. Mine also get sardines in oil mixed in cooked pasta and raw egg at least once a week, table scraps raw pumpkin, scrambled egg, yoghurt and at this time of year lots of fruit. In short, my chooks eat everything but pellets.

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