Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

I'm not sure but you could try looking on gumtree and see if anything comes up to get an idea.

The others might have some other ideas where to look hopefully

The only place I know of that sells them is, but they don't have any for sale at the moment so it may be the wrong time of year. I'm not sure, but pea fowl may be one of those fussy birds that are tricky to get eating properly, in which case you are unlikely to find day olds for sale even when they are in season.
Aussiechick - thank goodness for your hazmat suit! Hope you don't have any bruises to show for your spill.

Teila - such pretty girls.
It's so cute how loving they can be with mum. My two still try to sneak in a snuggle with Snowy whenever she has a dust bath.

Fancy - congrats to your daughter! And to you for the amazing shots.

I'm loving this weather at the moment, just cool enough to feel a slight chill in a t-shirt. I've swopped spring cleaning for autumn cleaning & it's amazing how much you can get done when you are not swimming through soup to move. The chooks are sleeping in a bit and not starting their 21 gun salute imitation until I'm actually awake. Breakfast is just not the same unless someone serves it to you.
Such a lot of interesting posts ...

OMGoodness that Sydney weather has been horrid. We're just freezing down here with the odd bit of rain.

That rain brought a little issue for me ... one of the girls had a big ball of mud dried on one of her feet, so I picked her up and slowly cleaned it off ... took about 20 minutes as it had dried like cement!! but get it off I did and she's much happier now (OH saw to them yesterday as I was unwell but apparently he hadn't seen that on her foot/claw/toe ... not sure what to call it ... but it could also have been from today too).

Regularly getting 2 to 3 eggs a day now with occasionally 4. Loving them as they're so tasty and the yokes are a deep orangey/yellow colour such a deep and rich colour it's hard to explain. Even the home grown eggs we were given by friends before didn't have such a lovely colour.

We give our girls greens and kitchen scraps nearly every day .. tomorrow they'll have off-cuts from the rump I cut up tonight for beef stroganoff for dinner (the dogs also had lots of offcuts from that too as I'm very particular to get as much fat off as I can). The dogs got the large pieces and the chooks the smaller pieces but there's some for everyone (not a full meal of course but at least everyone can have some). The chooks will also have the mushroom stalks
with their usual grains.
I think I'm going to have to clip our baby reds wings- at I think 5 weeks old it keeps flying up and perching on the clothes line. I'm worried if it keeps going it will fly over the fence to where to big dogs are

Wow that's not a bad effort for a 5 week old. Does sound like you may need to do something
Morning folks :frow

ChristieB sorry to hear that your little one has been unwell and I am pleased to hear that you have family close by to offer support.

Sam those are some impressive water shots!

Fancy your cocktail party sounds like it would have been interesting and fun.  I am jealous that you get to wear high heels; being just under 6ft myself, no heels in my wardrobe, the air up there is too thin ;)

Good luck with the qualifier :fl

AussieChics I hope the extermination went well.  It is a good sign that you did not see any in the coop and you may get away with just treating the chickens.

chooks01 my gals shelter on the deck with the humans if it rains during free range, apparently that is much better than their coop; could possibly be that the meal worm container is also on the deck ;)

Tee hee smhoekzema I will pass on the white lawn!

cwrite I am with you on the cats that do not do cold.  My little girl is not too bad but the boy, haven’t seen him for days, just ‘lumps’ under doona’s, couch blankets etc :lau

No news of note from here; everyone doing well.

Went to the movies yesterday and saw The Avengers – Age of Ultron .. awesome!!

If I finish all my chores early enough today, I am hoping to get some pics of Crystal and Kiki, they are growing so fast, and anyone else who feels like posing.

Heheh I spoil my girls with mealworms every other day
and my tiny roo as well love his big dark eyes

The only place I know of that sells them is, but they don't have any for sale at the moment so it may be the wrong time of year. I'm not sure, but pea fowl may be one of those fussy birds that are tricky to get eating properly, in which case you are unlikely to find day olds for sale even when they are in season.

I'm not sure but you could try looking on gumtree and see if anything comes up to get an idea.

The others might have some other ideas where to look hopefully
thanks for the help :)
So I picked up my 17 babies who are now 2weeks old and took them outside. When I got out there I noticed one poop in the box is full of blood...they are on medicated chick feed. One chick is noticeably smaller and quieter than the other 16. The rest are all full of energy and growing like weeds.
So I picked up my 17 babies who are now 2weeks old and took them outside. When I got out there I noticed one poop in the box is full of blood...they are on medicated chick feed. One chick is noticeably smaller and quieter than the other 16. The rest are all full of energy and growing like weeds.

What is the medication listed on the bag ? As amprolium has no withholding period and they aren't laying as yet anyway, I would give them a course of amprolium. Something everyone should be taking notice of is that many of the feed manufacturers have replaced amprolium with an antibiotic. As a result I am no longer feeding medicated chick starter. I feed a natural crumble and deal with the coccidia if and when they show up.
You need to act fast because they can become quite ill very rapidly. If one has it , they all have it.
In the interim, just straight buttermilk from the grocery store will help with lining of the stomache.
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