Australorps breed Thread

A note on the roosters: I would gladly keep a rooster if
A: We had enough room in the coop
and B: They would be quiet enough so that the entire neighborhood wouldn't hear them crow. (I'm illegal... sort of...

This is just a general message for Lynne, Dan and Kurt. Those Ray Connor books are on their way to the author for signing, then they will be express posted back to me.
I imagine that I will Air Post them to you guys in the USA, individually, about Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and they will take about 7 to 10 days to get to you depending on your location within the USA.
This book is by far the best book ever written about the Australorp and Ray tells me he is honoured to sign them for fellow breeders in the USA.
Stand by for a further update as they leave.

Kind regards,
I heard word of mouth that saving your egg shells and pulverizing them into meal (in a blender or grinder) to add to the chicken feed helps recycle the calcium for stronger egg shells. They just said don't add large egg shell pieces or some chickens might learn to eat eggs that way so always make sure they are ground pretty fine like meal.

We grind our excess egg shells up into with a food grinder that you can use for cracking corn, wheat and peanuts. And you are right track by making sure that they are very tiny ground, but not powdery pieces.
We then add them to a mixture of fine oyster shell grit and diatomaceous earth, both of which have a natural mineral and salt content, then put it in little hanging containers. This helps strengthen up the egg shell for the layers.


This is just a general message for Lynne, Dan and Kurt. Those Ray Connor books are on their way to the author for signing, then they will be express posted back to me.
I imagine that I will Air Post them to you guys in the USA, individually, about Tuesday or Wednesday of next week and they will take about 7 to 10 days to get to you depending on your location within the USA.
This book is by far the best book ever written about the Australorp and Ray tells me he is honoured to sign them for fellow breeders in the USA.
Stand by for a further update as they leave.

Kind regards,

Thanks Again Ross!! This book will be treasured!

Thanks Again Ross!! This book will be treasured!

Same here Ross..I apologise again for the strange adventure through international money orders..Just glad it all fell into place and thank you to you for this amazing opportunity!! I cant believe I have been such a huge fan of Ray Connor for years...scraped up every bit of information about him from interviews to a dream come true..
I can't tell from your pics whether there is a red flash on their hackles or red or gold feathers on their necks. If the neck feathers are not black then they are black sex links and not Black Australorps. Their combs should also be erect with 5 points.
Well I'm learning!! Perhaps back to the drawing board.... well I went over to a black sex link thread, but mine do not look like that with the gold feathers. They do have a green sheen. I'm going to post a few more pics, see what you think.

this is at a younger age

ok this one has a bit of 'red' around the neck

here's the other one.
Well I'm learning!! Perhaps back to the drawing board.... well I went over to a black sex link thread, but mine do not look like that with the gold feathers. They do have a green sheen. I'm going to post a few more pics, see what you think.

this is at a younger age

ok this one has a bit of 'red' around the neck

here's the other one.

Like was posted before, not all black chickens are Australorps.

Yours have a bit of Marans look to them.The shape of the body is wrong for both BAs and Red Stars. BAs are curvy and lower to the ground. Red Stars are more compact or narrow.

You have very nice looking chickens but they are mixed with something. It is possible that the breeder did not wait long enough between switching Roosters and there are two Males involved.
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