Austrawhites? Good and bad points- Anybody had these?


14 Years
Sep 26, 2008
Huntingdon- West Tn
I ran across these mentioned before- I'm pretty sure they are a austalorp x leghorn, right? Don't know which Breed is used for the Rooster or the hen . Has anybody had these? Would like to hear more about them- Like the Positives or the negatives or just info in general- Want to have a laying flock later and want some good egg- layers that are hardy. I will probably have more than one breed. This is one I've never had before. Thanks ahead of time for any info and/or pics!
I have some, you are correct on the combo BA's X WL's. They lay extra large off white eggs by the dozens. They are not as sweet as Australorps, but much nicer than my RIR's. I've never had WL's so can't compare there for you. The Roosters are extremely personable and sweet to the girls, I have not had a meany yet. That said some of the girls are a bit wild. I have super nice ones and then I have renegades. They are a creamy white not bright like WL's and I get some black polka dots. I really like my nice ones but doubt that they would breed true.
I've never heard of these before....but if they are a cross between an Austalorp X Leghorn called an Austrawhite, I expect it is a cross involving a white leghorn. In which case it wouldn't matter which way round the cross went....the offspring would be white (presuming the birds were carring the genes one would expect for their breed & colour).

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