Avian Flu Near Me

We noticed today that someone came onto our property (must have been at night) and dropped four hens off into our coop. They aren't acting sick or anything and they've already been exposed to our flock. Is there something we can give them en masse in case one of them was carrying something?
Hello BackYardChickens, I have a query. Recently, cases of Avian Flu popping up along the east coast. There has so far been one confirmed outbreak in my state (it was in a county a far way away from me). Should I be concerned about it appearing in my flock? The outbreak was considered non-poultry and was very small flock size (website tracking the outbreaks: https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ou...pai-2022/2022-hpai-commercial-backyard-flocks). It was almost a month ago and there have been no other confirmed cases in my state. I have a chicken flock size of about 60 and a group of 5 ducks. The chickens and ducks are free ranged on my two acres and can often eat what falls off of my bird feeders, the wild birds may also drink from my duck pond. I'm wondering if there are any precautions I can take to protect my flock and my self, that is, if I need to. Should I be concerned? If so, what can I do? (I can isolate them inside my coop as I have a spacious enclosed run if needed).

P.S. My state is Virginia
Avian Flu is here in Massachusetts too 😢. The state went in and put down her turkeys and ducks so sad
The CDC, NIH, USDA, DNR, you know all the usual suspects.
Actually, I haven't seen anything like that anywhere, except one alarmist article. The truth is, no one knows, but generally, nature has a way of healing itself. I'd be stunned if this continues into the summer, because for one thing, the virus survives best in cool dry conditions. Yes, it might be back in the fall, but we'll see. I want to see an article from at least one of the sources named above, saying the virus will continue for 12 to 18 months, and how they know for sure that's going to happen.
This may sound silly.....but being new to chicken keeping I was wondering should you suspect avian flu in your area whom should you contact?

I ask as a friend of mine about 6 mile from me was just talking about the unusually hugh number of dead wild birds she is finding in her yard that don't show signs of being attacked. She lives in the country. When I told her there was an out break of avian flu in several states she asked who she should contact and of course I don't know who. There are reported cases in Kansas but only 4 or 5 and none in counties less than 70 miles from my area.
There are a few threads with similar titles, so please accept my apologies in the mixup.
I'm so sorry about your hen that died. I really hope you don't lose your other hen that's not feeling well. I'm currently treating one of my hens that's been unwell for a couple of weeks, so I can certainly sympathize with you 💜 Without a necropsy, it will be a guess for the most part when it comes to the reason your Australorp died. If you start losing a lot of birds quickly (like in the next couple of days), all with similar signs, you could narrow down the possibilities. Do you feed layer feed or do you have a calcium option available at all times? Has the Australorp been laying? What about the hen that's unwell. Any chance you know if the unwell hen has anything in her crop?
I give them layer feed but seeing as I am almost out and will be buying more soon I may get a bag of the calcium option. I’m getting so many eggs on a daily basis it would be hard to tell whether or not she was laying, I may have seen her laying but she has a near identical twin (still alive) who may have also been laying at the time. I will check my unwell chickens crop in the morning assuming she is still alive. I’m praying this is some other cause than the flu as my neighbor just hatched new ducklings and three other neighbors close by have chickens and if my flock has it then there is a good chance that my neighbors have it (all of our properties are in a very close proximity of each other.) I have also been caring for said ducklings while my neighbor was out of town and I have not been cleaning my boots and I hope I didn’t transfer the disease.

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