baby chick needs help (new pics)

I'll pray for your baby.

well she is still hanging in there. i have been giving her some sugar water every so often and letting her rest as much as possible. she has some food in with her but not sure if she has eaten much. she is chirping every time she wakes up and will stand and flop (need to put shoes on her but am waiting till she is stronger ) around. here is a pic from a few min ago.
she is still hanging on and seems to be improving she started to eat on her own this evening i was thrilled
, started to give her pol-si-vit one drop a couple of times during the day. i put some chick shoes on her with some shelf nonskid liner on the bottom so hopefully she will get her feet under her. she still kind of flops like a just hatched chick but i think a lot of that is due to her toes being all twisted. she has a buddy in with her so she wont get lonely. ( a little chick that hatched yesterday but appears to be blind in one eye)
she continues to improve.

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