Baby chick pecked by broody hen URGENT!

We sprinkle this in with their feed. It isn't as quick or direct as Poultry Cell, Nutra Drench, or Save-a-chick though as it has to be digested whereas the others are in their water already broken down.
I ended up ordering vitamins +, and electrolytes to put in her water. I put the electrolytes in today and she seems to be drinking it well
Will definitely keep weekly updates to this thread as he/she grows, fingers crossed she is a pullet 🤞🏻 she is definitely spoiled constantly wanting to be held and snuggled. I’m hoping having her out in the coop with the brooder will settle her down a bit. When I left she was snuggled under the heating plate☺️ I have her set up in the washroom in the coop so she has a quieter space 🐣
It sounds like you have everything in place for the teeny patient. Such good news! I’m watching your thread and look forward to the updates. She/he is certainly a lucky baby. ❤️
It sounds like you have everything in place for the teeny patient. Such good news! I’m watching your thread and look forward to the updates. She/he is certainly a lucky baby. ❤️
Update! So baby chick went down hill last night, pretty sure she has sprawled leg and found her this morning upside down under the heating plate…. I thought she was dead at first very lifeless. I have her setup back in the house in a box and jimmy rigged something for her to sit in under the heating plate. I’m at work all day so I’m really hoping she’s gonna be okay until I get home. I syringed her some electrolytes before I left. She seemed to perk back up a bit. 😓❤️ poor baby…


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I’m so sorry. 😞 She was doing so well. It’s sad to see that she’s in such poor condition now. IF she makes it through today, I’d consider keeping her inside with you until she grows up a bit. Then you’ll be able to closely monitor to make certain she’s getting all that she needs all of the time. You did a good job taping her legs. Let me know how she’s doing later. I’m hoping she gets better. Such a sweet chick. ❤️
I’m so sorry. 😞 She was doing so well. It’s sad to see that she’s in such poor condition now. IF she makes it through today, I’d consider keeping her inside with you until she grows up a bit. Then you’ll be able to closely monitor to make certain she’s getting all that she needs all of the time. You did a good job taping her legs. Let me know how she’s doing later. I’m hoping she gets better. Such a sweet chick. ❤️
Little baby did so good through out the day she is a little trooper!☺️ I was so worried she was going to escape my contraption but she didn’t! My only question is she is super weird on her feet not what I’ve seen in splayed leg chicks, I noticed she was like this last night too constantly sitting on her butt….😬


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First of all, she needs to regain her strength after her sad experience, so continue what your doing with the vitamins, etc, to help her perk up. If she’s not eating and drinking on her own, you can offer her the food and water. You might have to show her by gently dipping her beak. Be careful not to force her. Tap at the food. Even offer some on a spoon to get her interested. Check her bum to make sure it’s clean. Continue to treat her wounds. She’s a fighter. ❤️ Quite honestly, I wasn’t certain she’d make it through the day, but it may be that the photos were misleading. She does look a little off in them, but I’d concentrate on helping her to strengthen up first, then address the splay legs (if that’s what the issue is). She may just still be too weak to stand right now. I’m going to tag @Wyorp Rock for an expert opinion on this.
thank you for everything seriously all the help is so appreciated❤️❤️! I didn’t think she was going to make it through the day. She was so lifeless in my hands this morning. I had a sigh of relief to see her snuggled up when I got home from work 😮‍💨 I think she might have dislocated her leg some time last night trying to get around… I massaged the joint back in place and put a bandage around her joint to keep it from popping out, and re tapped her legs. I’ve circled pics of the dislocated joint.


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First of all, she needs to regain her strength after her sad experience, so continue what you’re doing with the vitamins, etc, to help her perk up. If she’s not eating and drinking on her own, you can offer her the food and water. You might have to show her by gently dipping her beak. Be careful not to force her. Tap at the food. Even offer some on a spoon to get her interested. Check her bum to make sure it’s clean. Continue to treat her wounds. She’s a fighter. ❤️ Quite honestly, I wasn’t certain she’d make it through the day, but it may be that the photos were misleading. She does look a little off in them, but I’d concentrate on helping her to strengthen up first, then address the splay legs (if that’s what the issue is). She may just still be too weak to stand right now. I’m going to tag @Wyorp Rock for an expert opinion on thishe
First of all, she needs to regain her strength after her sad experience, so continue what your doing with the vitamins, etc, to help her perk up. If she’s not eating and drinking on her own, you can offer her the food and water. You might have to show her by gently dipping her beak. Be careful not to force her. Tap at the food. Even offer some on a spoon to get her interested. Check her bum to make sure it’s clean. Continue to treat her wounds. She’s a fighter. ❤️ Quite honestly, I wasn’t certain she’d make it through the day, but it may be that the photos were misleading. She does look a little off in them, but I’d concentrate on helping her to strengthen up first, then address the splay legs (if that’s what the issue is). She may just still be too weak to stand right now. I’m going to tag @Wyorp Rock for an expert opinion on this.
First of all, she needs to regain her strength after her sad experience, so continue what your doing with the vitamins, etc, to help her perk up. If she’s not eating and drinking on her own, you can offer her the food and water. You might have to show her by gently dipping her beak. Be careful not to force her. Tap at the food. Even offer some on a spoon to get her interested. Check her bum to make sure it’s clean. Continue to treat her wounds. She’s a fighter. ❤️ Quite honestly, I wasn’t certain she’d make it through the day, but it may be that the photos were misleading. She does look a little off in them, but I’d concentrate on helping her to strengthen up first, then address the splay legs (if that’s what the issue is). She may just still be too weak to stand right now. I’m going to tag @Wyorp Rock for an expert opinion on this.
After wrapping her legs she’s definitely more sturdy and standing up. Her other leg started popping out too so I massaged that one back into place and wrapped it…. I don’t know what’s going on with this chick. I’m going to bring her to work with me tomorrow so I can monitor her and supplement her electrolytes and vitamins throughout the day😓

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