Baby Chicks Arrived!



Sep 25, 2017
New Mexico
Thank you all for answering all of my questions while we stressed out awaiting the arrival of our three female babies. I was able to pick them up at the post office at about 0615 this morning. All three were chirping loudly when I arrived at the Post Office! Now they are eating and drinking in their new home. Two Cream Legbar's and one Buff Orpington.
Day 2.HeatPlate.jpg
Day 2.HeatPlate.jpg
Thank you all. They seem to be doing just fine. I have witnessed every one of them eat, drink and poop! They have been eating almost non stop since they arrived. I don't know if we will ever order babies online again - it was very stressful worrying about their wellbeing & shipping is VERY pricey and pretty much non-refundable. MPC offers your money back on the chickens if they are not alive for 48 hours & if they send you a Roo, but the shipping costs way more than the birds! and is likely never to be refunded. But, the babies did arrive - just the 3 of them, like we ordered. We are very happy and relieved. Looking forward to watching them grow, thrive and become members of our flock.

Here are a little better pictures of our two Cream Legbar's and one Buff Orpington.
I think it’s so cute that she is so attached to you.
It's funny - the main reason I paid the amount I did for shipping was so I could have chicks that would come when called, allow me to handle them and like me! I REALLY wanted this to happen, but I did NOT expect it to happen so quickly!

I told myself I was NOT going to have a 'favorite'! She is making that impossible! I knew, the second I laid eyes on her - but I always have been a sucker for the runt!
I love how your chicken adventures started with the over the fence hen and turned into this.

They are addictive. :cool:
Yes they are! We never even thought about raising chickens. Then Ms. Tootie chose us! She is really something! When she first flew over, no one could get anywhere near her. She was still small enough, then, that she would walk (or run) right thru the perimeter goat fence. When she got big enough that she didn't fit thru the fence, the would fly over it. When Rudy (the rooster) was thrown over, she calmed down a lot, but no humans could get near either of them. Once they watched me build the first coop - they started becoming less flighty. NOW, Tootie will eat out of my hand and gives us an egg almost every day. Rudy, well I have never touched him, but he doesn't run away from me any more. The two pullets that flew over in October - one (Tina) will eat out of my hand and runs to see me every day. The other (Rosie) is still very flighty with us but is now doing fine in our little flock of 4. Rudy has been mating the pullets this past week or two so I guess they aren't pullets anymore?? Hopefully they will start laying soon too! I bought these babies because I wanted the chickens to be more like pets and allow me to touch them. I didn't think these wild ones would ever mellow out but they have decided we aren't so bad! We continue to allow them to free range wherever they please. They have all their flight feathers and could jump over the 4' goat fence OR walk thru the sections that are only split rail - but they don't! Neither Rudy or Tootie have left the yard since I built the first coop. The pullets would go behind the property when they were small enough to run thru the fence, but since they don't fit thru any more - they do not leave either.

These birds sure have put a halt to all of the projects I had going around here! It seems like I have been doing nothing but chickens ever since we accepted that Tootie chose us and was not leaving! Picture of Rudy & Tootie

I don't think I mentioned it in this thread... I think the babies joining the flock and hanging around them while laying has stirred the motherly instincts in my hens! Tootie has gone broody. Tonight will be her 5th night in the nest box. Today I watched while the two pullets that just started laying when in and tended to the eggs while Tootie went out to eat, stretch and poop for the first time in two days. No squabble at all when Tootie returned to the eggs.

So - now I have less than 3 weeks to make the OLD structure baby proof!

These babies will be 13 weeks tomorrow - but I got a picture today.


13 Weeks today - certainly not babies anymore!
Triplets.1Dec17.jpg 13Week.Babies.jpg
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Thank you all for answering all of my questions while we stressed out awaiting the arrival of our three female babies. I was able to pick them up at the post office at about 0615 this morning. All three were chirping loudly when I arrived at the Post Office! Now they are eating and drinking in their new home. Two Cream Legbar's and one Buff Orpington. View attachment 1198458 View attachment 1198459 View attachment 1198458 View attachment 1198459 View attachment 1198462

So precious! :love :wee

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