
Jun 27, 2021
Hello everybody, I recently got two quails from one of my friends around 6 days ago...
One is very healthy and happy. The other one looks very frail, weak, and tiny...

I'm new to quail-caring and don't know much about them. But I do think that something is off with Eggy (the sick one..)
The things that are off:

1) Eggy has been sleeping A LOT. her sister (or brother, I cant tell) is very active and chirps lots. All eggy will do is sleep sleep sleep, and sometimes not even eat or drink food!!
2) Eggys poop is very inconsistent. Sometimes it will be runny, like diarrhea, sometimes it will be the healthy, firm ones and now.. sometimes it looks like creamy, white/yellowish liquid.
3) Eggy will fall over lots, and can't stand upright sometimes
4) Eggy will open her mouth over and over when sleeping abnormally like she is struggling for breathing or choking?!!
5) I don't know if this has affected eggy , but once during the night she got out of the cage & fell down about a metre (estimate) from the table we were keeping the enclosure on. After the fall she got up and looked healthy running around. I'm worried that the fall long-term affected her somehow...

I can attach photos if they are needed.
She's my first quail and I'm so attached to eggy :(( I don't know what to do if she dies...

- A very worried quail mom
Hi everyone, Eggy passed away last night... thanks for your help anyways
The other quail still seems healthy and free of any possible disease
Hi everyone, Eggy passed away last night... thanks for your help anyways
The other quail still seems healthy and free of any possible disease
Sometimes they just fail to thrive. If it was sleeping a lot and unsteady, it could easily have been due to internal issues. Sometimes chicks seem very healthy and normal for the first few days, and they slowly start to deteriorate. When the chicks hatch, they are initially living off the reserves of the yolk sac they absorbed before hatching. At about 2 days, they are out of those reserves and have to eat and digest food on their own. If something is off in the digestive process, you wouldn’t even notice until the yolk is gone, and other chicks are thriving and one stays the same size and gets weaker and weaker over the course of a few days.

Some things to consider for the future of the other chick/s:

1. They are very social and should have companions, I would recommend getting one or several friends for your remaining chick.

2. what are you feeding them? You want to have chicks on a minimum of 25-28% protein game bird starter, and for the beginning you’ll need to run it thru a blender or coffee grinder to make it powdery for the tiny chicks to be able to eat it.

3. If you notice a chick is small or weak, it’s good to have sav a chick or nutridrench on hand to help get some nutrients into them.

4. Be careful with bedding choice, sometimes young chicks will eat the bedding or sand instead of feed, because the term bird brained came around for a reason, they are super dumb lol.
What all and how exactly are you feeding?
Just the one quail?
Pics of housing might help here.
The fall definitely could have had an affect.
Curious how she got out at night and fell?
what age are the quail? pics of enclosure can be helpful. i’m assuming coturnix? adding nutridrech or electrolytes to the water or giving directly with a dropper can be helpful

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