
In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2021
here are my mixed babies again! they're almost eight weeks old so I'm hoping it's a little easier to tell who's what. the rooster was a a birchen Cochin and the Mama's were birchen Cochin, golden laced Cochin, and mille fleur d'uccle. I'm mostly looking for sex but if you have a guess on who's who's mom I'd love to hear them! yellow and pink are definitely boys and I'm thinking purple is too.


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Two obvious cockerels, and I am sure you know which. The one in between them with the red star is a little questionable, too, but I think it will turn out to be a pullet.

I see no beards or muffs, so I doubt the D'Uccle is a mother to any of them.
Two obvious cockerels, and I am sure you know which. The one in between them with the red star is a little questionable, too, but I think it will turn out to be a pullet.

I see no beards or muffs, so I doubt the D'Uccle is a mother to any of them.
my d'uccle actually doesn't have a beard or muffs! I'm not even sure if she's actually a d'uccle or just a look alike. thanks for the help though!
my d'uccle actually doesn't have a beard or muffs! I'm not even sure if she's actually a d'uccle or just a look alike. thanks for the help though!
I think it will probably be easier to tell the parents when the birds get a bit older. But any that are less fluffy could be from the D'Uccle, and any that have brown or red mixed into their coloring could be from the mille fleur or the gold laced Cochin.
I think it will probably be easier to tell the parents when the birds get a bit older. But any that are less fluffy could be from the D'Uccle, and any that have brown or red mixed into their coloring could be from the mille fleur or the gold laced Cochin.
oh! that's really smart. I'll keep an eye on them

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