Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

Today, we drained alot more gunk out of that joint that had built up again. We also gave him another penicillin shot, divided it up with one in the breast muscle and one in the bum leg. Hopefully, draining, plus the antibiotics will knock that stuff out. I really think, or am hoping anyway, that with that infection in the joint gone, he'll be able to stand up and eventually get the muscle tone back in his legs. He was a good boy through all the pain. I was holding him and he could have bitten me at any time but didnt. He's got a real will to keep going and I hope he understands we're trying to help.
Glad you got more out. At least it appears to be localizing in that one area. Is there any way that he could have gotten some type of foreign body stuck in there, kind of like when a splinter festers out?
Could be, but I never saw any puncture. What I'm wondering, after Suz's suggestion of a spider bite, is if maybe this happened. He fell off the high roost and sprained his leg/foot. The foot was swollen for awhile, but he was walking, albeit limping. He was sitting down on the ground more while his foot hurt, so maybe once when he did, he was bitten by something in that hock area. That would explain why he progressively got worse, from walking with a limp to not being able to walk at all, plus looking very pale and just very unwell.
I hope Zane recovers fully and is back to keeping the peace with the girls, very soon!

I just wanted to mention, whenever someone has an abcess or yuck filled wound around here ...I drain it and do several pure saline rinses throughout the day. I usually have to drain once or twice more, but the multiple daily rinses keep it to a minimum and seems to speed recovery. Of course, an antibiotics course or two helps, as well.

Good luck to you all! I'll put Zane on Obe and Tahti's prayer watch ..and we'll all say a little prayer for you guys!
The spider bite thing does make sense Cyn. I'm just glad that you saw that spot and are able to get the infection out. My nephew had been bit by a spider two years ago and had to go to the doctor to have that area where the bite was, lanced. It sounds like the same thing, really. Poor Zane. He's such a good boy! With the antibiotics being injected, you should notice a big difference in that area fairly quickly I would think. Keeping my fingers crossed here Cyn!
Thanks, everyone. Poor Zane has been through the mill, starting with losing his pal, his daddy Hawkeye. They were just beginning to become a team when that happened. Then to be injured on top of that, basically living in a dog kennel with no company and being so ill at one point. That boy deserves a break! And I dont mean a broken leg, either! NO MORE OWIES for Zane, please!
What a fantastic rooster he is. He is so willing to let you do what you have to so you can help him.

He does indeed deserve a nice ong peaceful life with you, your hubby and the flock now.


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