Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

The crowing is great news! You know he has to feel better if he's doing that.

Life is as good as it can be here under the circumstances. I keep holding my breath every time I check on the chicks inside and outside the house. So far, no more losses. Fingers crossed, we will get through this soon.
I'll keep posting updates on my post like you do here on Zane. Thanks for all of your support Cyn!
Have you considered asthma with those coughs? When mine came back (had it as a child and "out grew it") it came back just as a cough first. The wheezing came later on.
They have an OTC inhaler that you could try if it is mild. When mine came back it was just when I had a cold. Then it decided to stay after one cold and now I'm on prescriptions but, when it was just with the cold my doctor had me using the OTC one. It's called Primatine Mist.
Farmers lung, ephasima (sp), and other lung conditions can cause it too. Have him use the inhaler when he is coughing and see if it helps.
Ask the doctor about reactive airway disease. It's a fancy name for a long lasting cold that brings on asthma like symptoms. I have RAD and it can be miserable when the weather is really hot.

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