Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

I was reading your post, and I work for a group of cardiologists. Some BP meds may have coughing as a side effect. I don't know if what your DH is taking has this, but thought it would be worth mentioning. I know that some of our patients are switched to new meds if it is a problem.

maybe chicken dust makes him cough? ive had a cough for about a month now but i had pneumonia or bronchitis or something. bronchitis was going around down here but i got it when i went up to athens
Morning Cyn hope this finds you and yours happy and healthy. Keeping ya in my prayers

Stacy I missed you posts about your troubles can ya put a link in to it. Keeping you in my prayers as well as the rest of the BYC members
Actually, we slept in until about 4:15 a.m. this morning. We're normally up around 4 a.m. to get the milking and chores going. I just checked in quickly before heading out to the barn.
Ready for Zane updates as soon as you get to it Cyn.
Came home and he was clamoring to get out of the kennel. We put fresh straw on the damp ground for him and he was getting all over the pen, dancing for Ginger who wanted the kale I tossed to Zane, LOL. He's in good spirits and we'll check under the bandage in a bit.

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