Barred Rock Cockerel, Zane...Updates

Sounds like a good day for Zane!
He can step with the bum leg, but he's using the top of it, and the toes on that foot are not gripping like normal. The foot stays flat with the toes extended, like it has no feeling and he cant bend it. He braces the hocks on each other. One leg seems like it's completely fine, but the other wont cooperate so he uses that leg almost like a cane to balance, plus a wing. When he stops, he cant stand without bracing himself with his wing on the ground. Still, that is SO much more than he could do before; he does fall forward alot.
I DO have asthma...
most everything I take says talk to the doctor before if!
That RAD, I've never heard of that...I'll have to look it up.

Glad to know that Zane's feeling a bit better...
Gosh, he's had a LONG, hard time of it! Hope he's doing better and better each day, and isn't in pain! You worked so hard with him and spent so much time with him - BLESS you, Cyn!
Bless his heart. What a trooper!!! Still hoping here for a 100% recovery for that boy.
He and you and your DH deserve that.
Removed the bandage. There is hardly anything at all, but a tiny amt of localized infection at the incision site still, but every time we drain what has built up overnight, there is less and less. Got no solid pieces out this time, nor did we see any at all, so maybe, bit by bit, his body is ridding itself of all that. We didn't even replace the bandage this time, just put some antibiotic ointment on the small incision, which closes up and heals over almost immediately every time we squeeze stuff out. He was doing well, crowing, flirting, just being his old sweet self today. I just want some sign that he'll have feeling back in his left foot soon. He's worth all of it; after all, he's my Hawkeye's son. His baby brothers have better barring than he does and are both are very friendly and sociable, but nobody compares in personality and temperament to my Zane.
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Zane has had quite the stroke of bad luck! But, hopefully things look to have turned directions and he seems to be getting better.
I have a RIR hen with use of only one foot, I don't think she broke her other one, but I could be wrong. She still gets around, but she doesn't ever go outside the coop.
Does anybody else smell a really spoiled roo around here?

Good for old Zane! Way to go! Good nursing Cyn, I still say I want to come back in the next life as one of your chickens
Haley, sure hope your RIR girl heals up. They sometimes do get sprains and things like that; I know mine do, but they always heal up in a few days.
Deniece, what makes you think Zane is spoiled?

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