Barred Rock thread!!

Waiting for my Barred Rocks to mature. It took about 30 weeks for my RIR to start laying. As a first time chicken owner this was surprising but as I researched more and asked questions many people supported that this is common for RIR. So I guess my question is for those of experience with the Barred Rock is when should I start looking for eggs?
Here is a pic of my BR first chick, hatched today.
Yay! Our BR have been laying since August. They stopped though due to molting. I got a higher protein food and added some oyster shell. They're slowly starting to lay again, but we'd been setting aside some eggs to incubate. So far only a few aren't developing. The green EE eggs though are too thick to candle!
Waiting for my Barred Rocks to mature. It took about 30 weeks for my RIR to start laying. As a first time chicken owner this was surprising but as I researched more and asked questions many people supported that this is common for RIR. So I guess my question is for those of experience with the Barred Rock is when should I start looking for eggs?
I got my first eggs from my flock at twenty week I have Barred Rocks and RIRS 23 BR 25 RIR stated slow and I am eight eggs away from max of 48 today. They are all the same age and and some of my reds still do not have there combs or waddles yet. I got them May 7 of this year and not at full capacity yet
Hello Chicken Gurus! I have yet to get chicks - hoping to next month, and Barred Rocks are thus far, my favorite breed from all I've read and seen. Please tell me what I'll need to know to be a good Mama to my BR gals. I live in Florida so heat and humidity is an issue down here in the swamp.
My Barred Rock girls don't start laying until about 8-9 months old. It's normal for them to take long as they are a heritage breed. They are such a beautiful, amazing breed.

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