Best incubator?


Sep 3, 2009
I have tried to make my own incubator and am finding it harder than I thought. Does anyone have any suggestions on a decent priced, good incubator? Something that regulates humidity well. Thanks for any suggestions!!!
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I am still trying to decide on what incubator to get. Ive heard about still air and ones with fans in them. Which is best and why? I want something that is good quality and will keep temp and humidity stable.........Thanks for any more suggestions!!!
you don't need to buy expensive bator.

you can build your own using polystyrene box, and as long as you put the box in a place that don't have temp fluctuate much, and you can make sure no one get too mess with the bator and of course good bulb that produce constant heat (not fluctuating much) the bator will be so reliable.

humidity isn't a real much trouble since we need only to lower it on first stage and increase it on last. you can use silica to lower the humidity, very2 cheap, cheaper than a computer mouse (mouse $1 here).

or? simply use a hygrostat ( like thermostat, this one to control humidity)

to keep cost at lowest price, use homemade and try to *trick* it. like placing it at *undisturbed* area, it will help in maintain stable temp/humid.

but if you want it simple, buy a built-up one.
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The R-Com Mini 3 egg 'bator is reasonably good, although expensive for its size, it controls humidity and temperature, and is also an auto-turner

edited becuase my brother decided to post
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Depends on how small is small, how many eggs you want to hatch and how much money you have.

The R-com/ Brinsea - tiny incubators 3-7 eggs are good but pricey considering you only get to hatch that few eggs.

If I were buying one - a used lyon turnx or a new brinsea octagon - for me the 40 egg, the 20 is nice too.

The more automated - the pricier.

Low end reliable bators - the hovabators run in the 140+ to 200 range.

LG is cheaper but it works like it's cheaper.

In small bators I prefer to make my own. Simple and it feels good to get it right.

I bought an antique cabinet bator... that's been nice.

If I did have the money it would be the Advanced Brinseas or the ones being made custom by CBiblis here on BYC.

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