Big, Beautiful Silver Laced Cochin Roo to a good home


12 Years
Jan 30, 2007
North Florida
I posted this in the Florida thread but just in case you missed it, here it is.

Since I am planning on going to the Lake City show, I was wondering if anyone is interested in 2 beautiful, large Cochin roosters? They are about 6 months old.
I could bring them and meet you. I want them to have a good home. They hatched about the same time my Seramas hatched and they are just too big and rough to be around them. I ordered Silver laced Cochins but one rooster hatched out more black than anything else. The other looks like what a Silver Laced Cochin Roo should look like.

I could post a pic if anyone is interested. I love these roosters but they are sooo big that even the hens that hatched with them run from them. Right now they are separated from all my other chickens and I don't want them to live the rest of their lives penned up when the other chickens free range. Let me know. You can email me at [email protected]


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