
Apr 7, 2015
SW Washington
I have a beautiful young Black Copper Maran Rooster.
Purchased as brand new chicks on March 15th.
Started Crowing a few weeks ago. We live in the city limits so he unfortunately has to go.
Would like to either sell him for $15 obo or trade for a new layer or young female pullet around the same age.
Just wanted to comment that my current rooster is a BCM and I love him. He 's gentle with people, and really good at alerting for hawks (also blue jays, crows, rain clouds, airplanes... he thinks everything is a hawk), and showing everybody where the food is. Yours is going to be so pretty!
Just wanted to comment that my current rooster is a BCM and I love him. He 's gentle with people, and really good at alerting for hawks (also blue jays, crows, rain clouds, airplanes... he thinks everything is a hawk), and showing everybody where the food is. Yours is going to be so pretty!
I really wish I could keep him. He's already so stunning and am sure he will be even more as he matures. He crows as early as 5 in the morning. With 2 neighbors with new babies and summertime making us all have our windows open, well it's a bit much. They already say my hens are noisy. But I give them eggs occasionally so they don't seem to mind much anymore.
I really wish I could keep him. He's already so stunning and am sure he will be even more as he matures. He crows as early as 5 in the morning. With 2 neighbors with new babies and summertime making us all have our windows open, well it's a bit much. They already say my hens are noisy. But I give them eggs occasionally so they don't seem to mind much anymore.

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