Bloody Stools and 1 Month Old Chicks

Put one drop of the liquid into each chicks mouth now.
Also...Mix 2 teaspoons per gallon of water.
Mix a new batch each day and do it for 5 to 7 days.
Then continue with 1/3 teaspoon in the water daily for another 7 days.

Straight from the bottle of Corid is what I am talking about here with the one drop....not the mixed water.
So I'm still putting Corid in the drinking water as prescribed and most of the bloody stools are gone. I'm down to where I'll find 1 or 2 bloody stools a day which is an improvement for sure. I plan on continuing this for another 3-5 days. All appear to be eating and drinking well.

My cream legbar chick is worrying me however. She is close her eyes a lot and the whites of her eyes are reddish. Is there anything else I should be doing?
Hi @Marybeth912

How are your chicks doing?
Can you post some photos of the poop, the Cream Legbar's eyes and your brooder set-up?

How are giving the Corid - dosage and administration?
For the ones that are still pooping bloody looking stool - give them 2 drops of Undiluted Corid liquid 2X a day in addition to the Corid water.
Hi @Marybeth912

How are your chicks doing?
Can you post some photos of the poop, the Cream Legbar's eyes and your brooder set-up?

How are giving the Corid - dosage and administration?
For the ones that are still pooping bloody looking stool - give them 2 drops of Undiluted Corid liquid 2X a day in addition to the Corid water.

I haven't found any new bloody poop as of this morning. When I get home from work if I find bloody poop then I'm going to sit down with them and my chart again and wait to see who's pooping what.

I started on Sunday by putting 1.2 - 1.5 mL of Corid in 1 pint of water. Changed out once, sometimes twice daily. On Tuesday I gave all of them individually ~2-3 drops of straight Corid. Yesterday the bloody stools had drastically decreased. Thanks
Glad to hear the bloody poop is decreasing:)

Thank you, I am very happy about that as well. Just worried about a couple of them who are looking a little unkempt and droopy, specifically the Cream Legbar. My Golden Cuckoo Marans is also on my special watch radar. I'd love to get your insight after I post photos. But I wont be able to post until around 7 pm EST.

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