Book Club!

Just wondering if anyone besides me finds it nearly impossible to resist Even when I'm trying NOT to buy new books, it pops up everywhere and encourages me to buy more inexpensive books.

And, if you know of another online discount-book-selling outlet, please, please don't tell me about it! I will have to add another book case. My latest shipment -- 8 books -- arrived last week. Fiction, non-fiction, instructional and educational books, I read them all.

BTW, according to my book log, I've read 23 books since mid-June. And every page I read prevents me from doing actual work around the acreage, cleaning house or catching up on long-overdue correspondence. Fortunately, I still have time to spend on BYC!
Just wondering if anyone besides me finds it nearly impossible to resist Even when I'm trying NOT to buy new books, it pops up everywhere and encourages me to buy more inexpensive books.

And, if you know of another online discount-book-selling outlet, please, please don't tell me about it! I will have to add another book case. My latest shipment -- 8 books -- arrived last week. Fiction, non-fiction, instructional and educational books, I read them all.

BTW, according to my book log, I've read 23 books since mid-June. And every page I read prevents me from doing actual work around the acreage, cleaning house or catching up on long-overdue correspondence. Fortunately, I still have time to spend on BYC!
Never heard of it! But then again it's not Australian.
Ooh!! How do you 'do' a book log?
My book log is done chronologically, listing first the dates that I started and finished reading the book.

Then I add the book title, any subtitle and the author's name. I include a short summary of the plot or a basic overview of information if it's an educational or instructional book.

Finally, I add the more subjective stuff -- what I liked most (including quotes sometimes) and least, whether I would re-read some day, if I think I should recommend it to friends or family.

You may be lucky Australia doesn't have BookOutlet. I get nearly daily emails suggesting new titles I should buy (along with pop-ups everywhere), and it takes more willpower than I often have to ignore those recommendations!
I have a large physical book collection (mostly James Patterson) and I have e-book collections on several different companies including kindle, kobo, and Barnes and noble. For the past several years, I’ve been collecting books on audible. It allows me to listen at bedtime without disturbing my DH. I probably add 12-15 new titles per year and I usually revisit titles in my collection in between new additions.
My office space at home is best described as a "Wizard's Tower" Work tables everywhere with all kinds of projects and tools for various hobbies. My main battlestation (desktop PC setup). An entire nook for Funko stuff, and piles of clutter everywhere waiting to be worked on. All with 2 walls of windows for natural lighting from the North and East. Everything is dusty but well cared for. One entire wall is bookshelves and there are several large boxes on the floor full of the overflow books I couldn't fit on those shelves. It's mostly sci-fi and fantasy, some role playing gaming stuff, a few technical manuals, some vinyl albums, and lots and lots of curios. The empty spaces on the walls are taken up with my art and photography and other nerdy things.

My bedside night stand has a stack of books 10 deep that are in the "to be read" pile, and there's a couple more bags of books floating around that have been swallowed my the office clutter. they're fine for now, I won't get to read them any time soon anyway with the backlog :)

Currently working through The Witcher books By Andrezej Sapkowski. Had them for years but never got around to reading them. Figured now was as good a time as any.
My book log is done chronologically, listing first the dates that I started and finished reading the book.

Then I add the book title, any subtitle and the author's name. I include a short summary of the plot or a basic overview of information if it's an educational or instructional book.

Finally, I add the more subjective stuff -- what I liked most (including quotes sometimes) and least, whether I would re-read some day, if I think I should recommend it to friends or family.
Ooh! I think I'll have to do this!
There's another BYC thread about what people have been reading, and I've been inspired by one of the posting members to start actually reading my collection of "classic fiction." Maybe I will alternate between new books and the ones collecting dust on my shelves.

I felt pretty good about the number of books I had read in the last half of 2021 -- until the very ambitious @Artichoke Lover posted and listed 98 books read last year. Now, I feel like a slacker!

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