Book Club!

Just wondering if anyone besides me finds it nearly impossible to resist Even when I'm trying NOT to buy new books, it pops up everywhere and encourages me to buy more inexpensive books.

And, if you know of another online discount-book-selling outlet, please, please don't tell me about it! I will have to add another book case. My latest shipment -- 8 books -- arrived last week. Fiction, non-fiction, instructional and educational books, I read them all.

BTW, according to my book log, I've read 23 books since mid-June. And every page I read prevents me from doing actual work around the acreage, cleaning house or catching up on long-overdue correspondence. Fortunately, I still have time to spend on BYC! is the one I keep browsing through. Having actually broken down and bought anything but books for lit class on there yet though. Lots of thrift stores with good book selections in my area so that’s where I get most of mine.
I think that here on BYC we need a Book Club!
I think that this will be great because more people should read books.


The one and only rule: HAVE FUN AND READ BOOKS.

This Book Club doesn't have to be everyone reading the same book, it can be people rating books, just saying hi, guessing how long it will take someone to read a certain series, just chat randomly.

Currently I'm read the Harry Potter series, my aim: To read them all before Christmas. I started on the 15th. I'm now in the middle of the 3rd book. :D I don't think I'll get to book 7, but I might make it to book 6. What book do you think I'll be up too by Christmas Eve?

And has anyone read Ottile Colter?
That would be awesome! I'm ad avid reader with 800+ hard copy books! I finished The Egg and I by Betty Macdonald. Hilarious book about a 1940s chicken farmer in Squiem, Wa.
I just finished book #3 in the Joe Pickett series by CJ Box and started new releases in a couple series by Helen Hardt. I expect to start the next Joe Pickett in early January.
Reviving this thread to ask for recommendations.
I'm a CJ Box fan. I've read everything he has out. I'm also a J.A. Jance, John Lescroat, John Sandford fan. Any suggestions for a new/old authors/ series?

I read almost everything on my phone now (Amazon). I know, I know...I'm a heretic 🤣. We down sized a few years ago, in preparation for retirement. (Our kids will have less to sort through when we die.) So, I just don't have the space that I had before for books.
I had already started reading kindle when we traveled, now I read online about 75% of the time. It's nice not to have the light on, but it hurts much worse when you dose off, and a kindle falls on your face. 🙄
Reviving this thread to ask for recommendations.
I'm a CJ Box fan. I've read everything he has out. I'm also a J.A. Jance, John Lescroat, John Sandford fan. Any suggestions for a new/old authors/ series?

I read almost everything on my phone now (Amazon). I know, I know...I'm a heretic 🤣. We down sized a few years ago, in preparation for retirement. (Our kids will have less to sort through when we die.) So, I just don't have the space that I had before for books.
I had already started reading kindle when we traveled, now I read online about 75% of the time. It's nice not to have the light on, but it hurts much worse when you dose off, and a kindle falls on your face. 🙄
I was same with James Patterson…..I read nearly everything especially in the Alex Cross, womens murder Club, and Michael Bennett series
I’ve also enjoyed series by Helen Hardt and Audrey Carlan and of course Fifty Shades but those are a bit more “adult”content
I was same with James Patterson…..I read nearly everything especially in the Alex Cross, womens murder Club, and Michael Bennett series
I’ve also enjoyed series by Helen Hardt and Audrey Carlan and of course Fifty Shades but those are a bit more “adult”content
I loved the Alex Cross series. I confess that I've read neither the Women's Club or Michael Bennett. I'll have to check them out, as well as, Hardt and Carlan.
I haven't read the Fifty Shades. The adult content wouldn't bother me, but I've just not been interested in it either.
Thank you for the recommendations.
Reviving this thread to ask for recommendations.
I'm a CJ Box fan. I've read everything he has out. I'm also a J.A. Jance, John Lescroat, John Sandford fan. Any suggestions for a new/old authors/ series?

I read almost everything on my phone now (Amazon). I know, I know...I'm a heretic 🤣. We down sized a few years ago, in preparation for retirement. (Our kids will have less to sort through when we die.) So, I just don't have the space that I had before for books.
I had already started reading kindle when we traveled, now I read online about 75% of the time. It's nice not to have the light on, but it hurts much worse when you dose off, and a kindle falls on your face. 🙄
That’s why I read on my phone at night. Doesn’t hurt near as much as the kindle when dropped. Dad used to read on his iPad and would hold it straight up in the air over his head. Unfortunately he cracked the screen at some point and once when he dropped it the broken screen cut his face....
That’s why I read on my phone at night. Doesn’t hurt near as much as the kindle when dropped. Dad used to read on his iPad and would hold it straight up in the air over his head. Unfortunately he cracked the screen at some point and once when he dropped it the broken screen cut his face....
I went to audible at night…..much less dangerous 😂
That’s why I read on my phone at night. Doesn’t hurt near as much as the kindle when dropped. Dad used to read on his iPad and would hold it straight up in the air over his head. Unfortunately he cracked the screen at some point and once when he dropped it the broken screen cut his face....
Your poor dad!
I do read on my phone nowadays. The screens are so big now, that there isn't much reason to use a tablet.
It still hurts when it whacks my face, though. 😣🤣

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