Brahma Thread

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Takes a minumum of fourteen days for male A's 'influence' to have worked it way from the ehn so male B is the dominant fertiliser. I give them 18 days to be sure.
Thank you Sarah, I have gotten 2 weeks to one month, here and on the other forum I frequent. So I guess three weeks would be plenty safe.

I have LF baby dark brahmas in the brooder. They were hatched from shipped eggs. so far, 9 out of 14 have hatched. My first experience with shipped eggs was a total "bust", if you know what i mean but this group has given me hope. I had some yokos and phoenix shipped at the same time and I have hatched 16 of 22 on those so far. whoo hoo! the sussex eggs that were shipped at the same time as well are around more of the norm for shipped eggs. So far only 6 of 16 from them. but had a lot of broken air cells.

Can Anyone tell me what their culling protoype is? What do you cull for at hatch? When would you make the next cut and for what? Just thought I would throw this out here to discuss. Not "HOW" but rather what you all are looking for in your Brahmas before you decide who stays and who goes and at what ages do you make those decisions...
I've seen this sort of question asked before. Other than for outright disqualifications, the common reply seems to be wait for these slow maturing birds. And feed, and feed, and feed.....
Yes Matt, the large birds in particular, are very slow to mature. This may sound harsh, but really its not-you are better off culling weak-sickly chicks. The temptation is there to try and baby them along and hope they will snap out of it and catch up with the others. In a breeding program where you are trying to produce superior birds-ruthless culling is a must. I am speaking entirely from the exhibitor/breeder view-point. If the birds are obviously healthy, with no deformities-it is better to hold off as long as you can. Like Dak says...feed, feed, feed!
So....for the geneticists among you.

I am (fairly) clear of the genetics of Dark, Light, Buff and Gold and Blue Partridge, but I'm not so sure about Lemon Pyle......anyone like to enlighten me?

Many thanks.
Hi everyone,
I posted in this Brahma thread a few pages back, and have since posted under "What Breed or Gender is This?" Hi again to Dak, Illia and SarahIrl. If no one minds, may I post photos of my 3 brahmas here for your opinions?
I have up-to-date photos just taken this morning. They are 7 weeks old tomorrow. I have a sinking feeling that two of the three just may be cockerels but I'd like your opinions on the updated photos please.

SarahIrl you mentioned giving your Brahmas tinned sardines - here in Thailand they only have tinned sardines in tomato sauce! Is the tomato sauce ok for chickens please?

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