Breaking State Laws


Rest in Peace 1949-2012
11 Years
Aug 24, 2008
Southern Ohio
WOW, can NOT believe how many members are breaking All the State Laws. Most State you can NOT ship chicken eggs to unless you have the proper paper work. Most your flock need to be NPIP tested. Yes there is a book that list all NPIP Flocks in the USA.

Check the laws before shipping to that State. Know for sure you can not ship to Ohio unless your flock has been test.NPIP
yes, that why it's very important to ask lot of question b4 buying and that should be one of them
i think texas and florida has the tuffest laws,
that is why i ship EATING eggs,,, if they put them in the bator,, then its not my fault
Kind of like the farmers that sell fresh milk for "animal consumption"....what the person that buys it for does with it is up to them.
That's supposed to be the law here. But, when Game and Fish came out because of my Chukars, they asked if I'd hatched them and all my other birds. I said yes, from breeders all over the US. The didn't say a word, and the Chukars were ok because they were for my own private use, not to release into the wild or sell for food.
My question is - how do YOU know that so many people are breaking the laws here? Just because NPIP isn't mentioned doesn't mean that "so many" people are breaking laws.
I agree Kbbelle! I think it is pretty assumptive to think that everyone is breaking the law.

I bet that deerman was the "Hall Monitor" in grade school. There is one in every crowd!
Come on guys, I think he's just trying to be helpful. Nobody wants to get a fine for something as silly as shipping eggs. And, you'd be suprised at what extremes the government will take when it comes to regulations. The USDA has been known to knock on private residential doors to confiscate one or two pet apple snails, simply because they were transported across state lines. Nobody wants to get caught in a mess like that, especially because when it comes to animals, most of the time when they're confiscated, they're euthanised. Just check the laws and ship and sell safely!

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