Broody hen?! Mother not really a mother? What next?! :O

Feb 28, 2020
Australia, QLD
Hi everyone. I have had this story for a while, and been wanting to share it ya go! :ya

So, just another day at the coop. I've got a SLW, Coco. She went broody *groans. Sometimes, when the chooks are shooting eggs out left right and centre, I can't be bothered to go collect them. So, she sat in the corner of the coop, in sweltering hot heat, refusing to leave the eggs. "NO GO AWAY" I'd picture her saying when I went to give her water. Then she'd gratefully drink, but still give me death stares.

So, I decided to be nice, and let her have her fun, looking after non-fertile eggs (rooster count: 0). After a while I decided, "Right, enough is enough" But came to find Coco...mothering Spice. Spice, tucking under Coco's wing just gave me as a death stare, and pecked the camera as I took photos (I pictured Spice in my mind giving me the bird LOL).

I guess in a way, Spice kinda went broody too? Well, and had free cuddles from Coco (Coco's nickname is Big Mama). Anyways, I decided I'd leave them alone, since it was soooooo cute! But, after a while...I thought it was too unhealthy for them to just sit there. Night and day. Day and night. So..I barricaded their roosting spot. They moved to the left. I barricaded their new roosting spot. They moved to the right. Eventually there was 💩everywhere in the coop (not literal poop, but then again..probably some!). I had horse buckets, plastic pipes, crates, stools....ANYTHING I COULD FIND to barricade. They never EVER gave up LOL! By this time, I just gave up. And, since my chooks are free range, I can't just close the coop - for safety reasons. Time went by and it was time to clean the coop. "Out you 2 get" I gave them the boot (not literal, again) out of the coop. They watched me for about half an hour, mesmerised of my coop cleaning techniques. Once it was all fresh, and new with fresh, nice saw-dust (mind you, we used hay previously when the girls went broody). They went in and OH BOY were they mad! They stopped their broodiness because they had no hay to make a nest with! Was that I all had to do?! Clean out the coop?! Are you serious?! I could have done this a MoNtH aGo. woOOoOow.

Anyways. To this current day, Coco still believes Spice is her baby. Spice still believes Coco is her mama. They stick together like glue. Coco will do the 'mum call' (when a mother hen calles over her chicks saying "I've found food!"). Spice comes running over to Coco for a free meal. Shes trained to it! Now, my Barnevelder 'Nugget' has started to catch onto the mum call, runs over to Coco for a free meal, telling Spice to get lost.

This is such a weird thing! Has anyone else experienced this? I thought I may as well share! Here are Coco and Spice pics (ooooo more LOL)

Well, hope you enjoy!
Adios! :frow
Hi everyone. I have had this story for a while, and been wanting to share it ya go! :ya

So, just another day at the coop. I've got a SLW, Coco. She went broody *groans. Sometimes, when the chooks are shooting eggs out left right and centre, I can't be bothered to go collect them. So, she sat in the corner of the coop, in sweltering hot heat, refusing to leave the eggs. "NO GO AWAY" I'd picture her saying when I went to give her water. Then she'd gratefully drink, but still give me death stares.
View attachment 2436324
So, I decided to be nice, and let her have her fun, looking after non-fertile eggs (rooster count: 0). After a while I decided, "Right, enough is enough" But came to find Coco...mothering Spice. Spice, tucking under Coco's wing just gave me as a death stare, and pecked the camera as I took photos (I pictured Spice in my mind giving me the bird LOL).
View attachment 2436325View attachment 2436326View attachment 2436327
I guess in a way, Spice kinda went broody too? Well, and had free cuddles from Coco (Coco's nickname is Big Mama). Anyways, I decided I'd leave them alone, since it was soooooo cute! But, after a while...I thought it was too unhealthy for them to just sit there. Night and day. Day and night. So..I barricaded their roosting spot. They moved to the left. I barricaded their new roosting spot. They moved to the right. Eventually there was 💩everywhere in the coop (not literal poop, but then again..probably some!). I had horse buckets, plastic pipes, crates, stools....ANYTHING I COULD FIND to barricade. They never EVER gave up LOL! By this time, I just gave up. And, since my chooks are free range, I can't just close the coop - for safety reasons. Time went by and it was time to clean the coop. "Out you 2 get" I gave them the boot (not literal, again) out of the coop. They watched me for about half an hour, mesmerised of my coop cleaning techniques. Once it was all fresh, and new with fresh, nice saw-dust (mind you, we used hay previously when the girls went broody). They went in and OH BOY were they mad! They stopped their broodiness because they had no hay to make a nest with! Was that I all had to do?! Clean out the coop?! Are you serious?! I could have done this a MoNtH aGo. woOOoOow.
View attachment 2436328
Anyways. To this current day, Coco still believes Spice is her baby. Spice still believes Coco is her mama. They stick together like glue. Coco will do the 'mum call' (when a mother hen calles over her chicks saying "I've found food!"). Spice comes running over to Coco for a free meal. Shes trained to it! Now, my Barnevelder 'Nugget' has started to catch onto the mum call, runs over to Coco for a free meal, telling Spice to get lost.

This is such a weird thing! Has anyone else experienced this? I thought I may as well share! Here are Coco and Spice pics (ooooo more LOL)
View attachment 2436329View attachment 2436330
Well, hope you enjoy!
Adios! :frow
I love it.
Hi everyone. I have had this story for a while, and been wanting to share it ya go! :ya

So, just another day at the coop. I've got a SLW, Coco. She went broody *groans. Sometimes, when the chooks are shooting eggs out left right and centre, I can't be bothered to go collect them. So, she sat in the corner of the coop, in sweltering hot heat, refusing to leave the eggs. "NO GO AWAY" I'd picture her saying when I went to give her water. Then she'd gratefully drink, but still give me death stares.
View attachment 2436324
So, I decided to be nice, and let her have her fun, looking after non-fertile eggs (rooster count: 0). After a while I decided, "Right, enough is enough" But came to find Coco...mothering Spice. Spice, tucking under Coco's wing just gave me as a death stare, and pecked the camera as I took photos (I pictured Spice in my mind giving me the bird LOL).
View attachment 2436325View attachment 2436326View attachment 2436327
I guess in a way, Spice kinda went broody too? Well, and had free cuddles from Coco (Coco's nickname is Big Mama). Anyways, I decided I'd leave them alone, since it was soooooo cute! But, after a while...I thought it was too unhealthy for them to just sit there. Night and day. Day and night. So..I barricaded their roosting spot. They moved to the left. I barricaded their new roosting spot. They moved to the right. Eventually there was 💩everywhere in the coop (not literal poop, but then again..probably some!). I had horse buckets, plastic pipes, crates, stools....ANYTHING I COULD FIND to barricade. They never EVER gave up LOL! By this time, I just gave up. And, since my chooks are free range, I can't just close the coop - for safety reasons. Time went by and it was time to clean the coop. "Out you 2 get" I gave them the boot (not literal, again) out of the coop. They watched me for about half an hour, mesmerised of my coop cleaning techniques. Once it was all fresh, and new with fresh, nice saw-dust (mind you, we used hay previously when the girls went broody). They went in and OH BOY were they mad! They stopped their broodiness because they had no hay to make a nest with! Was that I all had to do?! Clean out the coop?! Are you serious?! I could have done this a MoNtH aGo. woOOoOow.
View attachment 2436328
Anyways. To this current day, Coco still believes Spice is her baby. Spice still believes Coco is her mama. They stick together like glue. Coco will do the 'mum call' (when a mother hen calles over her chicks saying "I've found food!"). Spice comes running over to Coco for a free meal. Shes trained to it! Now, my Barnevelder 'Nugget' has started to catch onto the mum call, runs over to Coco for a free meal, telling Spice to get lost.

This is such a weird thing! Has anyone else experienced this? I thought I may as well share! Here are Coco and Spice pics (ooooo more LOL)
View attachment 2436329View attachment 2436330
Well, hope you enjoy!
Adios! :frow
Laura that is THE sweetest story!

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