Buff Ameraucana Roos?


12 Years
Mar 28, 2007
Memphis TN
Just wanting conformation I have 2 boys.

May 08 hatch








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pips&peeps :


I have been looking at your post for about 45 mins. and your pictures won't come up for me.

Oh the show up for me. What do you see. I will investigate.​
They just won't show up for some reason.... I tried right clicking on them and selecting show picture and it doesn't work either.

I'll try again later.
The red combs looks like boys. I would look in the rump area to see if you can see the start of those brighter saddle feathers coming in. The first one looks like he has the wrong leg color.

Yea, the pics finally came up for me.

Yes, they both look like boys. I like the beard and muffs on the first one better, but the legs do look lighter. Are they just now starting to turn slate? If they are light slate I would use him.

I took all the birds out of my breeding pen this year that had off colored legs, so I am hoping they should all throw chicks with the correct leg color.

Buffs are supposed to have the "wild" gene (e) and that is why they have legs that are supposed to turn slate later. Can you get a better shot of the legs on the first one?

If they are the only two boys, I would keep both as I always have a backup.
Ok thats what I thought. I cant keep them as I do not have any more room (we are MAXED out). So anyone want a roo?

Jean the legs did take a while to turn slate but I can not tell you when it actually started to happen. They were hatched with pink legs.

Jody they are really not showing anything in the saddle area that is why I was asking because my blues have started to get the dark blue saddle feathers.

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