What’s a GLD?
Plymouth Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, & the Production brown egg layers don’t mix well with other breeds.
The RIR has actually defended her a few times (not enough to make a big difference but encouraging). She's one of our sweetest towards the others. As is our ISA Brown, though she tends to just stay out of the drama entirely. The BR used to be a defender of the bullies but seems to be making a play for top hen recently.
Things seem to have shifted or become unsettled since they've started laying (and unfortunately it's seemed to effect Darla more than anyone).

Here is the other EE, who keeps Darla company when she's laying low.

Can you have Roosters? When mine couldn't get pecking order figured out and were bullying each other for it adding the rooster helped a lot, if you can look for a really people friendly one. My Amerecuana roo was amazing with everyone and showing them who was boss.
Can you have Roosters? When mine couldn't get pecking order figured out and were bullying each other for it adding the rooster helped a lot, if you can look for a really people friendly one. My Amerecuana roo was amazing with everyone and showing them who was boss.
We actually came a hair's breadth from getting one a few weeks back... A Bielefelder... But we decided against it since we felt our flock was small and we didn't want to disrupt the harmony (ha!)
We actually came a hair's breadth from getting one a few weeks back... A Bielefelder... But we decided against it since we felt our flock was small and we didn't want to disrupt the harmony (ha!)
Those are supposed to be pretty good rooster too , if you can still get him should help settle things some, a good roo will keep em from the bullying

Right now my roo has 5 hens, but keeps running off the pullets that are out free ranging, so may be getting a new rooster as he seems to need some midol, could be related to molt though too so will wait a bit, if he keeps it up he's going into Chicken Jail
This breaks my heart because Darla is so sweet, but she's honestly not too bright and deeply relies on social cues to know how to act. I think the bullying has really gotten her so confused and almost paralyzed about how to "be"... Not to mention the confusion of being a first-time egg layer.

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