BunnynChicks Photography and Chat Thread

Minnie was partly raised by a hen so he is scared of people and hopefully that will make him less likely to attack. A friend told me that with her roosters staring at them and walking slowly to them scares them and if he gets mean I will have to try that. He is a bantam so I don't think he could cause much damage anyway.
Here are some pics of the bunny and hamster. There will be a lot of them so I will put them in a spoiler so it doesn't make the page super long.

The bunny, Bart.

He has been shedding what means hair everywhere.

Here is the hamster, Doris:

Bart doesn't like her much so he runs away whenever she gets near him.
He decided to go and jump into his litter box to get away from her.
She washes herself

Then climbs into his litter box.
I took her out and told her not to go in there again.

Her cheek pouches are full of food stolen from Bart's food bowl.

She didn't listen to me when I told her to stay out of Bart's box.

Here are some more pics of Bart:
He decided he would take a nap while waiting for Doris to be put back in her cage.


I went to a local feed store today and surprisingly they still had chicks there. After considering it for a while (about 2 minutes) I decided to get 3 white leghorn chicks. Here are some pics:
Here is Cherry.

Here is Ann.

Here are all 3 of them. One of them doesn't have a name. If you have any name ideas I am open to suggestions.

The one in the front is Cherry the one on the right is Ann and the one on the left is not named.

From L to R not named Ann and Cherry.
I was having some trouble telling the chicks apart so I color coded them. They are Cherry, Ann and one last chick who I am still trying to name in blue. I have been watching them and they have been very good not pecking at them and have gotten somewhat used to them. Anyway on to the pics.

And one last lil guy in blue.

Never thought about doing that!
Some people might not be too happy with you for doing that to them but I think it's not mean.
I bet they each think only the other two have colors! XD

I might do that on a couple of the chicks that are gonna hatch soon. 19 eggs in the bator and today is day 12.

How are you housing them? I have just three chicks also that are about a week old and I am keeping them in our brooder but I'm not sure if it's too big and they will get lost or not. I will put a link to a vid of the brooder. It was taken a while back but you can still get an idea of size.


Anybody have any thoughts?

Never thought about doing that!
Some people might not be too happy with you for doing that to them but I think it's not mean.
I bet they each think only the other two have colors! XD

I might do that on a couple of the chicks that are gonna hatch soon. 19 eggs in the bator and today is day 12.

How are you housing them? I have just three chicks also that are about a week old and I am keeping them in our brooder but I'm not sure if it's too big and they will get lost or not. I will put a link to a vid of the brooder. It was taken a while back but you can still get an idea of size.


Anybody have any thoughts?

Yea they were looking at Cherry really funny when I put her in. They were like "what is that on your head."
I hope you have a great hatch with your eggs.
This is a photo of my brooder and I have not had any trouble of chicks getting lost. Sometimes the chicks go into the dark side but they always go back to the light.


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