BYC Café

Gah! Why do horses get themselves into trouble at the most annoying times? Peanut, one of my mom's horses, a fat palomino (he's part Shetland) was trying to walk the fence, so to speak(grass always greener on the other side?), and got his new shoes caught in the bottom wire, the bugger. And wouldn't you know it, it happens when folks are out and I'm watching them. Couldn't wiggle it off, had to cut around. Gonna fix shoes during daylight hours. Shoes were only on a few weeks! Isn't that how things go?
You know what they say about horses - if there's a way to hurt himself, a horse will find it. At the barn where I used to work, we had a horse that they finally just quit trying to put shoes on. This Quarab tracked perfectly, almost like a cat - hind feet on the prints of the forefeet. Unfortunately the short back from the Arabian side of the family meant that his back feet were just a little too close to his front feet, and he hit them even at a walk. He would catch the tails of the shoes on his front feet with the toe of the back foot and pull it off - not good for the shoes or the feet.
Got the wire out of his shoes. He's really good about messing with his feet. My dad never has put up with naughtiness during shoeing, so he stood good for everything. Even when cutting him out of the fence, the only thing he does that made me nervous is his habit of snuffling you as you mess with him: horse bites are no fun! He's fat enough that he gets to stay in today while everyone else gets turned out until dad checks his shoes. Peanut is half Appaloosa, a quarter saddlehorse( ranch stock of some sort? Quarter horse?) And a quarter Shetland pony ( from coal miner ponies) his dam came from my great grandpa's ranch, where they farmed and ranched and in the winter mined coal
He sounds like a rock solid tough horse.
We got our post holes dug, telephone poles set and the bulletin board reattached to the new posts and painted. It should be good for a few more years now.
I see that I missed some good eats this weekend.
1st day of school and #1 Granddaughter is out the door to wait for the bus at the end of our drive.
#2 is getting dressed and #3 is in shower, let the fun continue!
I hope that everybody is having a good Monday Morning!
Already on 2nd pot and going strong.
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Good morning....happy back to school day! I will be making applesauce today, my cousin dropped off two bushels of apples yesterday.....and maybe a pie or two.

Other than that, just going to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having.
Good morning....happy back to school day! I will be making applesauce today, my cousin dropped off two bushels of apples yesterday.....and maybe a pie or two.

Other than that, just going to enjoy the beautiful weather we are having.

Ahhhh! Homemade Applesauce
I want to be your neighbor.
It looks like you are having a bit of rain again, are you guys getting caught up yet?
Have a good cooking/baking Monday!
First day of school here, too - Gads, where did the summer go??!

Was supposed to have the farrier coming here today, but he's out of commission for a while; seems he broke a bone in his foot. He's trying to find someone to cover for him, I wish him luck with that; of the farriers that I know around here, he's the one I like the best. I don't really want to get anyone else . . . . not sure what I'm going to do - maybe just take a rasp to my bigs' feet (I do the minis myself already) and wait until he's back on line?

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