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It IS starting to feel like group therapy here!!! The resemblences are astonishing!! I remember when I was a child, my mother had a nervous breakdown, and when she came home from the hospital, she had all those crafty things she had made.... Bi-polar runs in my family!! I ma probably mildly bi-polar, but since I avoid Dr.'s at almost any cost, noone will ever know!!

I'll share MY rock, Smitty!! It's big enough for a few of us, and I haven't seen ANY bugs!!!

Maw, I am astonished at how beautiful that round afghan is!! And how clever you were to line those boxes up to do the squares right away! My dogs and cat would make mincemeat of that system!!!

Risu, I am sorry I did not answer your egg question sooner!! In Texas, I can only sell MY eggs without an "egg license", so I rent cooler space at the health food store. I don't know for certain it's legal this way, but that's how I do it!!

I feel better today... DH got his new truck yesterday, and this morning picked up the pieces of my tranny to get rebuilt, and I got a rental car so me and MIL are not stranded. DH's aunt is on her way here from MS to take MIL back for about a month, so I'll have some time to myself. Now we just have to get the truck from the Ford shop; might have to pay a wrecker.

I feel like a soccer-mom!! They gave me a mini-van!! Lucky for them I don't have any chickens to haul today!!

E-HUGS to everyone!!

OK things are looking up. Greentree is feeling better. Let's hope we all get on the upswing including our hens...

My landlord told me I need a trained chicken to sit out here with me in the egg cart.
*that* I can do! Well, when I get the chicks to train.
It would be very helpful in the education of customers department. I am sure you all know how some people just don't get the whole difference between an egg from the store and from your own chicken.

greentree - you can only sell them *without* a license? because of what kind they are? Here, we can't sell to stores unless we have a license, as far as I understand it.

Hmm, I like hanging out here so much I forget I could go to other threads with my questions...hope no one here minds.
LOL!!!! I wrote tree oil instead of tea oil.
Thanks...I'll have to pick some up to have on hand. Hopefully these poor babies won't need it.

Ok ladies......Here's some pics of color combos to choose from. Take a vote and let me know which you like best, since you will be the ones receiving them. I'm so lazy about posting pics




wow!!!! That was easy....don't know why I don't share more often....
You're lucky. My DH freaks out if I even carry a chicken into the house when I get my camera. He's such a neatness freak!
Hope everyone's hens get well soon!!

LOL!!!! Yea, they are use to it. Get this...Last night my cat Winkie was all snugled up in bed w/ me before Dh came to bed. He came up there and asked if I had a cat or a chicken in bed w/ me. I love my chickens....but EWWWWWW....not in the bed w/ me...well, only if they have their diaper on.
No, chickens in the bed..they have to go in the dog kennel if they sleep inside tucked in the basement.
It probably drives dh crazy to!
wow chicken in bed... hmmm maybe chicks...hehe

Oh dear, Smitty, those are all gorgeous.... I like the 3rd, 4th and 6th ones the best (going down from the top of the first picture on down to the next), but it is so hard to choose. They are all lovely and I wouldn't complain about getting any of them.

can only post in snatches, so sorry if I am missing anything at the moment.
Smitty, I vote that you keep doing them all assorted and we'll jkust take what we get! They're all pretty!!

Me, I'm doing a plain ol' variegated yarn granny square as usual. So you already out-shine me! daughter has bi-polar too. Boy her mood swings! I don't know how long you have been on the new med, but they told my daughter (when she was taking hers) not to switch without letting them know, and that some meds take up to a month to know the true effect.

SE... That spider looks reay pretty in red!
A friend gave me one it was made of all clear beads.

Smitty...they are all very pretty!
Even thugh I am not getting one, I like the (going L to R, top to bottom) #3 in pic 1, #3 & 4 in pic 2.
woot.gif are in luck!
They do make Mountain Dew & Diet Mountain Dew in caffeine FREE!!!
I know because Diet Dew is my favorite
& my son got me the caffeine free one time, taste the same so I didn't care!
My squares look like that once in a while too
, I have been crocheting off & on for 20 years also. Glad to hear you are in better spirits!

Well you all take care, Susan
Well, here's my report for the week:
No squares

hardly any house cleaning
19 dozen eggs sold (in 4 days)
(my chickens can't keep up)
and some projects partially worked on
Tomorrow is pasture fencing time so the ladies will have room for outings.

Aside from that, my chickens are loving my extra care and are already looking lots better. Now I just wish I could find the one with the weird toes and I wish I could contain the one I call Cyclops (who by the way has revealed that she does have two eyes, one's just a little irritated still from being pecked) So that I can give her one on one attention. That will be my other project for tomorrow. She's very shy and doesn't like me to watch her eat.

I am off to bed to work on something hopefully. I have discovered I like to crochet in bed...ok ok ...hook in bed.

good night all! Have great weekends!
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Hey ladies sorry for the late posts but with the DH in North Carolina I try to only get on the net right after he calls and then only for a very short time and then late in the evenings after he has called me. I like the Idea of a crocheting group therapy support group. Makes me feel so much better to know that I am not alone, with being a homemaker, being bi-polar, rasing kids and chickens, and all the rest of my minasurere (sp?) Anyhow I am starting to feel better, no chicks I have been bi-polar all my life and both of my daugthers are too, so I know what your daughter is going through it is really tough being young and going through that. gapple I did take serzone back in 98' and I thought it was great but then they took it off the market and my insurance would not pay for it so I then went to welbuton and that was a flop so I went without from the end of 1999 to round about may of 2002 and then I got on lexapro and it is wonderful at controling it but it causes weight gain and while on it it is almost impossible to lose any weight and it all ways makes me tired so I can only take it in the evenings. and the only side effects that I can really pin point out that are bad is that inside my feelings I was always num nothing seemed to shake me up no matter how bad or how great I was always jsut nutreul or num, and it greatly suppressed my creative part of my brain so all my motivation to draw and come up with clever and unique ideas were suppressed and I use to love to draw and during that time I never wanted to or I couldn't get the feel of the art work always just blank. but no mood swings which in my mind was a great big plus. but I have only been on the cimbalta for 2 1/2 weeks now so I will give it a little bit longer cause for as long as I have taken the pro it is really built up in my system, so it might take a while for the other to really take effect. well enough of that and on to squares everthing looks great. Shanah you should teach one of your chickens to walk on a harness and leash we did that with some of ours and my one and only goose we used a dog easy lead harness fits great under their wings without hurting them or pulling out feathers and it took about a week but they got used to it and then started following us around and now i take the goose with me and the kid in on the morning walks it rather quite a funny sight.
well I will post ya'll later. Maw.
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