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well tonight was the night to see if they would pick up their toys after they played, well they got in there and tore the place up, thankfully I only left a few toys and a bag of miss match socks, and of course the socks are everywhere, they toys were scattered, and sometime in there little bit got ahold of daddys cooking lard and took it in there and smeared it all over their little play vanity. so needless to say she got to clean that off and she picked up some socks/all the while with me standing over her with the fly swater ready to make the point clear. So she picked up the socks and then got dressed for bed and put to bed early but all without having to get a whoopin. Haley though has to finish the rest of the job as she helped make the mess. but all in all with a little encouragment they did alright. and earlier this morning blaylee, did what I asked and put all the little toys I got her down back in the ziplock bag and then came and told me she was done and wanted to play outside so I went in a but it back up, and off we went. So all in all this clean up rules have made a difference, I hope they stay this away.

Well gals must be a ton of people on the site tonight as our little busy thread was on page 2, Oh well I am sure we are all getting those squares done, thought. only a few more weeks to go ladies, before the deadline. I wish I could post smilys like SE and Queeny Scoot. but alas my puter wouldn't have that it would mean it would have to work harder than it already does, ( which ain't that hard!) Oh well my laptop is getting a new motherboard and it will be rolling good again and then I can start posting more pics! YEA! well I have to go round up the last kiddo and get her into bed they both have dentists appointments tomorrow so I don't know if I will catch ya'll in the morning but I will catch up to you in the evening for sure, well that is if they haven't ran me ragged by then. Hope everyone have a good and peacefull night. take care and god bless each of you wanderful ladies. Maw.
My car has alfalfa all in the back from bringing home chicken feed and treats, lol!!

I am really sick of having to whine about this racing but that's the nature of the beast, the breaking and the good and the bad luck..Travis was on a rocket last night, passing the leader, could have won..operative word here is could..lap 16 or so and something very broke AGAIN in the motor...finished 8th and the second place man won a freakingin..our points lead is now a measly 38 points and on the 18th IS OUR LAST RACE!!!! If we win that one we can win the points...what a horrible season....grrrrrrrrrrrr

I have jury duty today..never pulled jury duty before, a bit excited about it, lol!! Soooo, have a great day ya'll..better be knockin out those squares ya' have 3 weeks before they need to be in Maw's hot little hands...3 weeks!!
Get those hooks flyin!!!
owe, jury duty, YUCK! I don't think I could to that, well thank goodness I don't have to cause all the little old men round here likes to do that, You know over the years I have lived in many places and states as a teen and young adult, and in most of those places I worked in a small hometown type cafe, it reminded me of home in Arklahoma, (I have always lived on the board of the two states) Anyways and you know how young men always say us women would crowd togather and sit and hen peck, but over the years I have come to notice that in these little cafes and hometown groercy/cafe/gas stations that there are always regular customers, that come in a sit, have breakfast or coffee and sit and catch up on the gossip, well most if not all of these regulars are men, middle age to little old men! And boy do they spin them tails, and gossip, and they are the first too turn heads and stick up them ears when someone says "hey, have you heard that so and so...." its too funny. I love it. us women thought we're smarter we gather online where the men can't hear what we're saying about them and we can gab about any subject we want. Especially Crochet and chickens!

Well I tried to beat SE to the coffeepot this morning but she's quick, well that and she's 2 hours ahead of me too!
one of these days though. Scramble sorry to hear about the lose on the race, but isn't that what makes racing so exciting? I know we would sit and laugh about things like that when it would happen to dad, We would tell him well you should have tighted that bolt witht he air gun or, next time you'll listen to us and bring the duct tape, mom and I were on a pit crew for a lady freind that was a powder puff driver and I can't remember what it was that was hanging down after a big pile up but we duct taped it to the frame of the car, used about 4 rolls to do it, but it held and she was able to win the race. Duct tape a girls best freind. Well I hope everyone has a great day, I am fixing to go get the breakfast made and set out the girls clothes, Haley got up with me a 5:30 but Blaylee is still playing with the sleepytime sheep, its going to be a fun day here as they both have dentist appointment this morning. and then since I will be in the city I am going to go yarn and bead shopping, and sell a few things. well have a good day and I will catch ya'll in the bug zapper this eveing. Maw.

SE so sorry you have jury duty , hope it is something good!
Just wanted to say hello girls. I have been missing you all . Would you believe I have been up ALL night? Yep , those dag gone well drillers made the earth movevery early this morning and I swear we thought it was an earth quake at 2:00 this morning and I have been up the rest of the night. I did not even doze off until at least 1:30 so I pulled an all nighter. Spent it hooking and reading on the web and drinking LOTS of coffee! See ya later girls!
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Good morning. Still a bit sleepy here and certainly didn't beat anyone to the coffeepot. Not sure if I will have a chance. I am chaperoning a field trip for my DD's class today. We are going to a one room school house. Long bus ride should give me a chance to work on some hookin'.

Coffeelady, my car is *bad* too! And our new truck (when we get it) will have the chicken evidence in it.

Maw, good luck at the dentist! Hope the girls' teeth come back sparkling and with no return visits. I have to get my whole fam into the dentist too.. *shudder* We are still working on the courage thing.

SE, sorry to hear about the race. Sounds like Maw has a good idea with duct tape.
Good luck on the 18th! Jury duty? Bring your hook! From what I remember it was A LOT of sitting around and waiting to see if they would call you into the courtroom.

Queen Scoot, it's gloomy here with the weather, we need some bling to brighten us up, Your Majesty.
Oooo, Lovemychicks beat you to it!

Now where's that coffee?
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Jury duty.. I must be unsuitable or something... LOL 30 and I've never been called in

Good luck
I think it would be interesting in the very least to see and be a part of the judicial system.
Good Morning Ladies

I got back from the Beach Monday night,, sorry I had sooo much to do yesterday I didn't check in but I did read to get caught up

SE So sorry about the last race,,, Hope things go much better on the 18th
You have one fine looking race car driver there
Too bad I never had a daughter I sure would like to introduce him to. I am sure he has a large batch of girl groupies
chasing him.
Hey if ya take a hook to Jury duty make sure it's plastic they won't let have a metal one. Don't get too board.

Maw it sounds like you got some well desirved me time with you and your horse
You go girl
Some men just don't know what a mother goes through day to day. I think it's good for them to get a taste of it once in a while. Good luck at the Dentist today

Athena it is wonderful to hear from you. Again I am so proud of what you are able to do over there and the support that you give to your fellow troops. You are a great insperation to us all
Please let us send you something as well as some items for your troops.

Lovemychicks WOW Well drillers blasting that early I would be over there
at them so fast they would have thought they just set a blast under their feet. Hopefully they will be done soon.

Greenapple your babies are soo cute
good luck with them.

Queen Scoot have fun quilting don't stick your finger with the needle remember sleeping Beauty's story started that way.

Rocket have a good time on the field trip. Sure wish I could do that. But a las I have to be in the office 9-5.
I would love soo much to be in the sunshine for part of the day
so much for daydreams

Well gals I must brush my teeth and get to the office I will check in with ya all later

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Oh SE sorry about the race

Jury duty...I remember that. A few years ago, I went into Omaha everyday for a week. They didn't pick me though. Then a couple years later I was scheduled to go the courthouse here inn town, but that one was cancelled.

Not much here, just chilly.
You all have a great day & take care
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