BYC gardening thread!!

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Wow!! Do those ever make me hungry!! GREAT crop!
So I had a wasps nest in my greenhouse, I knew they were there, it didn't bother me. They were fine, and I think doing a good job keeping the pests to a minimum. Any way husband found the nest, made a fuss and I had to kill my wasps (he's right we have small kids)... Any way now I have bug problems... Anyone ever deal with caterpillars?? They are the biggest problem atm...
sorry for your loss hipiestink-- never easy. Hugs.

can any one help me id a plant. I think it is thyme. maybe tarragon. It seeded it self so I am a bit unsure. About 4 feet tall. a loose clump at the base 6-8 stems. Long thin leaves, in bright med green on top, silver gray underneath. Look much like tarragon leaves. Stems are not yet woody. A medium green but the shape is odd. Not a round stem but many flat planes a cross section is like an octagon.

No flowers yet.

Still searching for pics to compare.
Arielle, can you post a pic of your plant? Does it smell herby? (that is a word, right? If not, I claim ownership!)

Yes, LG it smells "herby" THough I cant quite place it. Taragon, or something sililar. Definitely NOT rosemary, but son says he thinks of rosemary. THat plant I know. WIll try for a pic tomorrow. FOrgot to get a pic tonight-- dealing with 10 new ducklings. ANd trying to get a broody duck hen to foster them. Praying the night darkness works in their favor.
Anybody have any idea what these are? They're in my eggplant bush, nestled in the forks and scraping big holes in the stalks to -- what -- suck the sap? They fly, are very fat, have a mottled pattern on their shell and are about the size of 3/4 of a dime.

I had one of these earlier in the season in my potatoes. Looks like a species of squash bug to me. Once I weeded and thinned out everything it left the garden, which meant I didn't need to start an intensive killing session like I had to last year with my pumpkins. They can be very hard to get rid of.

Though when I first saw it it looked like a tick, but second look made me notice it was WAY too big to be a tick and the wrong shape.

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