Feedback BYC Improvements suggestions list

However, if I delete alerts, I also delete alerts on BYC. I don't want alerts to my personal email account, but do like the alert feature on BYC.

The Preferences (not Alert Preferences) has check-boxes for email. Uncheck the boxes that say “and receive email notification”
And when you watch a thread, there’s a spot to choose with or without receiving emails.
However, if I delete alerts, I also delete alerts on BYC. I don't want alerts to my personal email account, but do like the alert feature on BYC.
On your account select 'preferences' then untick these boxes and save changes.

You will still get the normal alerts but you won't get the emails.
A way to bookmark an Article and tie it to the “Insert Bookmarks” in a reply capability.
Also a way to actual inswrt bookmarks. My screen size is too small so I am unable to do so still from computer but can from App.
Also a way to actual inswrt bookmarks. My screen size is too small so I am unable to do so still from computer but can from App.

I have a little trouble getting to the bottom of the window too, but if i can reach the one I want, I just hit Enter, and it inserts.

Forgot to also request the ability to bookmark a post from mobile! Does the iOS app allow it??
Currently the apps and browser versions of the site have basically the same functionality.

I can’t bookmark a post from the browser version, I didn’t check when I was using the ap

Even turned sideways, only the report button shows for me. :confused:

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