
That is amazing! Beautiful! How long have you been knitting? I call that very advanced.

Here is an afghan I started, got tired of working with and finished as a throw.
I have been knitting 7 to 8 years. Learned from the "Learn to Knit" kit that I was given. I was on full time bed rest. Absolutely bored to death.

It is lace. Easy peasy. If you can do knit, purl, increases and decreases you can knit lace. Ever knitted a pair of mittens, or socks? Just as easy once you try.

That shawl shall be put up on EBAY. Not sure what I will charge for it. Took me 3 months to knit.
I love to knit! I have been knitting for about three years on and off. I don't have a family member or friend to teach me, so I have only managed to teach myself the really simple patterns from books. I find it really hard to learn from books. I think it's much easier to learn when I have someone showing me. Am I the only one? I have tried knitting using some looms that I was given for Christmas last year, but I feel like I'm cheating by using these.
They are so simple compared to the needles, and in my opinion they aren't nearly as fun. So I'd love to learn to knit on the traditional needles again. I have also been wanting to learn how to crochet.

Does anyone have any tutorial videos or websites that you use for patterns that are fairly easy to follow?
You are not alone! I have found that youtube has great tutorials! They have helped me figure out alot!
I watched some YouTube videos today and I finally learned the purl stitch. I was taught the cast on, knit stitch, and cast off by my grandmother, but I was never taught the purl stitch. Right now I am working on a 40 stitch practice piece with knit and purl. I haven't knitted in a few months, and I forgot how much fun it is!
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Momma, I live in New York too bad we don't live closer I love to teach people how to knit. I have occasionally have used The knitwitch on YouTube she is great.
Ravelry is a fantastic site for both knitting and crocheting. Many patterns to choose from , most are free.

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