CA- I will take your purebred roosters!


What's the biosecurity operations for your hatchery like?
Hello! I follow a strict quarantine period for any new chickens that I come in contact with and bring onto the property. They are confirmed as being vaccinated for Marek’s disease or are vaccinated off site, and are checked for visual signs of lice/mites and treated accordingly before any integration into the flock occurs. I have studied in the biomedical sciences for the last 4.5 years so I am well-informed about the necessary bio security practices for risk mitigation in order to ensure a healthy environment for everyone. :)
Hello! I follow a strict quarantine period for any new chickens that I come in contact with and bring onto the property. They are confirmed as being vaccinated for Marek’s disease or are vaccinated off site, and are checked for visual signs of lice/mites and treated accordingly before any integration into the flock occurs. I have studied in the biomedical sciences for the last 4.5 years so I am well-informed about the necessary bio security practices for risk mitigation in order to ensure a healthy environment for everyone. :)
Sounds good!
Good luck in your endeavors:)
Hello! I can either just take some roos off your hands or swap some chicks for hens. Purebred only please! I’m in Southern California. Please comment below with photos if you have any roos or hens you’d like to swap/find homes for, thanks! :)
Are you still looking for purebred roosters? I have 2 silver laced Wyandottes cockerels, 4 months old, very handsome looking for a great home.
You had me until mareks vaccine. I just can’t bring myself to use that leaky vaccine. I also have a closed flock with strict biosecurity I hatch all my flock and keep them closed. But was going to consider trading my Bev Davis line BCM roos or my Kerby Jackson American Bresse roos for hatching eggs.
Hello! I can either just take some roos off your hands or swap some chicks for hens. Purebred only please! I’m in Southern California. Please comment below with photos if you have any roos or hens you’d like to swap/find homes for, thanks! :)
Hello, I have 2 lavender Orpingtons that were hatched 5/3/24 from Sunny side up ranch that are crowing. They are very sweet but I live in LA and they have 2 go. Are you interested in taking them?

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