California - Northern

Are 4 week old chicks ok if it gets down to 52 degrees tonight?
Only if there are a lot of them and they are fast feathering. I would give them the light. I took the eco glow contact heater out of the brooder with the 3 week old chicks in it. they are in the house, but they were still making un happy noises. I put it back for them.
Only if there are a lot of them and they are fast feathering. I would give them the light. I took the eco glow contact heater out of the brooder with the 3 week old chicks in it. they are in the house, but they were still making un happy noises.  I put it back for them.
They're in a dog kennel for the night. What if I put a sleeping bag or sheet over it to insulate a bit?
Hooray! Talk about easy integration - and they went in by themselves!

with major coaxing: black oil sunflower seeds, cracked corn, dried mealworms... but all's well that ends well, they've all put themselves to bed this evening.

although it's been funny to watch the Tribe of Chicks try to decide where to sleep -- their usual routine from before is up the ramp and into the henhouse to snuggle together in a pile, BUT they noticed the campines have been roosting on a branch/perch each night out in the run -- so they all clustered onto the branch, acting like cool kids as the evening got dark, until a campine gave them the stink eye and they all scattered into the henhouse again... this repeated about 7 times while i've been watching. silly chickens.
They will probably be fine--They snuggle up quite a bit.

Make sure they have ventilation though. Are they in a garage or outside?
Outside. I got worried and had my husband bring them in the shed next to the younger ones with the light :) I have so much going on right now I can't believe I just didn't even think about it when we moved them outside today. Like I forgot about the fact that nighttime comes lol. Must be the pregnancy brain
It seems our doe is confused this year. She just brought the fawns-twins again this year-out for the first viewing! She usually drops them about Mother's Day.

Happy Father's Day all!

We've noticed the same thing here. It is strangely late for them this year. Something happen to delay mating season?
My 6 week old bantam frizzle cochin is turning into a cross-beak. :( I was hoping she would just continue to have a crooked beak that lined up, but now it's showing misalignment.

sorry about that. maybe a deep bowl and the finer ground stuff.
Arrg. I had a (now) x customer freak out at me. He bought 2 baby chicks after calling about pullets. He does not remember straight run he remembers pullets and now wants me to give him laying hens as goodwill.

His words when he called me were he would like me to explain myself.

He is so pi#### I'm a little worried he knows where I live. I remember then too because they changed their minds after they got here and it was a big hassle and I figured they were going to regret not getting sexed idea where he got the I exchange hens for roosters however.

I'm really glad I'm not in the city limits I have a feeling he is feeling retalitory.
bummer. sorry about that.
Hooray! Talk about easy integration - and they went in by themselves!
You are welcome, and yes - the fan should stay on all the time. I tried to put my probe closer to egg level, not real easy to do because of the turning trays, but if you adjust the temperatures to keep your egg level at the 99.5 then it doesn't matter where the probe is - the air should stay at the same temperatures throughout the incubator.

Jason, you are up next....
Arrg. I had a (now) x customer freak out at me. He bought 2 baby chicks after calling about pullets. He does not remember straight run he remembers pullets and now wants me to give him laying hens as goodwill.

His words when he called me were he would like me to explain myself.

He is so pi#### I'm a little worried he knows where I live. I remember then too because they changed their minds after they got here and it was a big hassle and I figured they were going to regret not getting sexed idea where he got the I exchange hens for roosters however.

I'm really glad I'm not in the city limits I have a feeling he is feeling retalitory.

I had this happen. I sold a guy a few straight run chicks $12.00, he ended up with roosters. He called me over four months later to tell me he ended up with roosters and would like to swing by and exchange them for two hens the same size... I said, you want to buy two hens...NO, exchange! REALLY !
He made me fell like I Purposely picked him out day old rooster.... I'm pretty sure I offered him auto sex breeds. He just didn't want to spend the money.
I ended up giving him his $12 back and sent him on his way. For every hen I hatch I get a rooster. Do they have any idea how many roosters we end up with...just say'in!
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I drove an hour and a half to Tehama for a 50th Wedding anniversary, stayed outside in the over 90 degree temperatures and got a bit dehydrated and then drove back home at 6 getting back at 7:30ish. I had to collect eggs, drink a bunch of water and then move a bunch of Chickens. Two out of Chicken Hospital back to the grow out pen, Two out to the layer yard from the grow out pen and move 4 Bresse Cockerels into a pen in the garage. Two of them are going to get milk soaked Kamut scratch for two weeks and then will be processed--I can't wait. The other two will be going out to the Egg farm in Winters Until a breeding pen can be set up.

Oh, I also had to put a couple of bags of sand into the other grow out pens run--the auto water was kicked over and there was a puddle.

Needless to day I am very tired after all of that and not completely recovered from the flu.



Take care of yourself Ron..

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