California - Northern

That should have been a clue

I used to live on "Apple Hill", where all the orchards are in this area. I bought a bottle of apple wine...............OMG, you could have used it to sweeten Kool-Aid.
We upgraded to digital!

Mario left the old wafer system in but unplugged so if anything breaks I have a backup. He decided to leave the fan on 24/7 for some electrical reason. And in trying to put the temp probe in the same place as the old one . I'm assuming it was there for a reason.

Thank you chicknmamma for giving me your expertise on it. So far it has worked like a charm.

I also sprays down the coop for mites. Used front line on the girls last week and this is to get any hiding eggs. Hopefully this time will do it!

How was everyones fathers day?
Those U of A birds are neat looking! Maybe one day...

Ok, finally got the camera out again!

Sprinkles/Speckles the OE roo man.

Brawny, the newly "converted" Orpington rooster on the left and Blue, the other OE rooster on the right.

Babs the Brahma.

Very nice looking!
A UofA blue egg layer, splash of course, would look very nice with your flock!
They are 27 weeks old, but the first one started laying about 8 weeks ago or so, so they started at about 20 weeks. The Blue Barnie OE started laying last.

in case of interest, here are some more Amelia eggs, all laid today:

the one on the far left is from Lucy, the CL pullet i got from you, Deann, last fall (along with the basque, after we realized Amelia WAS an amelia), the other two are from Amelias #1 and #2 (not sure which is which) -- the bottom one is a tan basque egg for comparison. all are looking almost exactly the same blueish-green these days, although Lucy's used to be more blue, and the first Amelia egg i got was a much darker olive:

this photo was taken in mid-april, so that's when i got the first egg -- i got my two Amelias from Ron, so they are the same age as his.

(in this picture, i think the two most-blue eggs were laid by Speedy, the CL i had to give to my neighbors -- Lucy's is probably the upper-left of the blue ones. but look at the olive tone on that small Amelia egg! it was the very first one they laid.)
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Arrg. I had a (now) x customer freak out at me. He bought 2 baby chicks after calling about pullets. He does not remember straight run he remembers pullets and now wants me to give him laying hens as goodwill.

His words when he called me were he would like me to explain myself.

He is so pi#### I'm a little worried he knows where I live. I remember then too because they changed their minds after they got here and it was a big hassle and I figured they were going to regret not getting sexed idea where he got the I exchange hens for roosters however.

I'm really glad I'm not in the city limits I have a feeling he is feeling retalitory.
Sorry you are having to deal with such a difficult person. Sounds like he might be expecting "Golden Eggs" in the nest boxes too!
and omigoshomigosh, an opportune moment came along when the laying flock was all inside their coop, having a snack, but the tribe of six chicks were all outside of it -- and so i closed the door! then opened the door to the campines' coop, left it open for a while... they tentatively ventured out, the tribe tentatively venture in -- and now they're all inside! i'm heading back down to keep an eye on everyone -- so far the campines chase the littler chicks a bit, but they are quick to get away, and there are six of them, so no one gets pestered for long -- and there's a LOT of space. fingers crossed that this works out without any major confrontations!
Hooray! Talk about easy integration - and they went in by themselves!
We upgraded to digital!

Mario left the old wafer system in but unplugged so if anything breaks I have a backup. He decided to leave the fan on 24/7 for some electrical reason. And in trying to put the temp probe in the same place as the old one . I'm assuming it was there for a reason.

Thank you chicknmamma for giving me your expertise on it. So far it has worked like a charm.

I also sprays down the coop for mites. Used front line on the girls last week and this is to get any hiding eggs. Hopefully this time will do it!

How was everyones fathers day?
You are welcome, and yes - the fan should stay on all the time. I tried to put my probe closer to egg level, not real easy to do because of the turning trays, but if you adjust the temperatures to keep your egg level at the 99.5 then it doesn't matter where the probe is - the air should stay at the same temperatures throughout the incubator.

Jason, you are up next....
It seems our doe is confused this year. She just brought the fawns-twins again this year-out for the first viewing! She usually drops them about Mother's Day.

Happy Father's Day all!

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