California - Northern

I've been so busy I haven't had a chance to open the pop door and see (we have a boxer that loves fluffy things, and who is very interested in the noises and smells coming from the coop, so I need to be out there, since I've not made the run, because the coop's 100 square feet...)

90% chance of rain tomorrow, so I got the outside painted and the bare dirt covered just in time. It was getting dark when I finished painting, and I wasn't looking forward to shoveling gravel in the dark, when I realized that the 2 sand bags that had been sitting less than 10 feet from the now-coop since before we bought the house a year and a half ago had sand in them
So 15 minutes, a pair of scissors, and a hoe later, I've a path to the people door and the pop door, and a smallish sand covered area.
I hear you!

My Mom was born two years after you in 1940.

I was born in 1960. Those of us born then are Viet Nam war babies as well as the end of the Baby Boomers.

I still do not have any Grand Children but I do have a Daughter that is a Freshman in High School. It is odd having children that are the age that Grand Children would be.

My mother is your age, & has my sister & I, who are 18 years apart. No grandchildren for my mom yet either LOL.
Believe it or not, I have two people waiting for roosters! They are beautiful and why I fell for the breed/color in the first place. 

Very handy :)   In the picture of the chicks next to the rooster, the dark ones are pullets and the lighter, yellow one is the rooster pictured as a chick. 

I love roosters, which is why I can't eat my boys, hence the bachelor pen. I especially love the color of yours, if you do not have enough this time there is always next time. You are close to me so it's not a problem to wait.
Have fun!

Daylight savings time starts tonight. More light in the morning but it will be dark before I get home.

I am so sad about that. We went through the grunt work to trench and run power out to the yard but I forgot to add "drill holes in coop and hang hooks for lamps" to my honey do list. Whoops! Needless to say he is les than thrilled to realize the coops are never really done:-0
I am so sad about that. We went through the grunt work to trench and run power out to the yard but I forgot to add "drill holes in coop and hang hooks for lamps" to my honey do list. Whoops! Needless to say he is les than thrilled to realize the coops are never really done:-0

Not to mention the next one is always right around the corner!
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