California - Northern

ote name="LittleBlu" url="/t/25/california-northern/54360#post_13917649"]
Lol. Kay no more baths for them! I am they keep trying to come sit with me instead of being in their brooder so I'm like ugh is it too hot? And then I check and theresnk way its too hot. So I'm just spinning in circles right now

They likely want to be with momma. But check the actual temps in the brooder if you can. Youll be more rslaxed and it is important to know.[/quote]

Okay their temps are in!!! I went to go shopping Monday and didn't get the chance to pick up an outdoor thermometer so I don't exactly know the temp in their brooder so I've been watching their behavior. And Cookie is 104.6 and Oreo is 105.6. Good right?
Did you see the pictures in the links I posted? The eye/purple comb picture?


No, I did not go to the link.

Mareks is a Herpes virus that turns into cancer at about 24 months. It is like Herpes in Humans.

I have found it is better to post stuff into the thread.

I have looked into mareks and it seems like the best you can do is protect about 2% from dying from it if you vaccinate.

I'm on the iPad today so couldn't post the pictures directly. When I get on the real computer I'll post some really cool Marek's eyeball pictures. If Nikki could post a picture of the eyes it should be pretty obvious if it Marek's.

Lol. Kay no more baths for them! I am they keep trying to come sit with me instead of being in their brooder so I'm like ugh is it too hot? And then I check and theresnk way its too hot. So I'm just spinning in circles right now
As ducklings give them a narrow lip waterer, allow them access to heat, put their bill in the water and then whatever feed you are using but most importantly do not let them get wet. I have raised tens of thousands ducks like this without any problems

I'm on the iPad today so couldn't post the pictures directly. When I get on the real computer I'll post some really cool Marek's eyeball pictures. If Nikki could post a picture of the eyes it should be pretty obvious if it Marek's.


As ducklings give them a narrow lip waterer, allow them access to heat, put their bill in the water and then whatever feed you are using but most importantly do not let them get wet. I have raised tens of thousands ducks like this without any problems


This is their water. I made it last night so they could get I to it because the one I had they fit right in.

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