California - Northern

i have since then pulled the cages apart and redone them all with thicker wire. small spaces and more wire. they should be fine now. ive been looking on the forum post you directed me to for more ideas as well it should be fine now i hope. i have two birds coming from jer schex (i think thats how you spell it) and another coming from a woman in WA and they will be safe this time

How great for you! We all are constantly thinking about making things better for our little feathery friends. I hope the best for your next little group!
shipping costs will be the death of me lol

I paid $125 for 2 birds and $130 for shipping them! Another reason I'm security conscious to protect my investment as well as the lives of the birds! Shipping also calculates the weight of the chickens into the shipping cost and since I always get 2 to 4 m/o juveniles rather than chicks the cost goes up because juvies weigh more than chicks.
Hello neighbors! I live in the foothills of Mt Diablo in the City of Concord.
Im over in Antioch What chickens do you have.
I gave my broody 5 cornish cross chicks. she is so happy to have chicks, but it wil be interesting to see how she does raising these little yet soon to be big "monsters".



Aw she is very beautiful and her babies are too :love im going to do this for my goose soon she is broody on some chicken eggs but they keep breaking her goose eggs never break but those are infertile so while she is sleeping im going to put some ducklings under her that I bought from the feedstore (that is if they aren't soldout again)and take out the eggs so when the sun rises she will think they 'hatched' :clap I am also worried she might drown chicks by accident because they can't swim.So ducklings will be interesting :p
Hello neighbors! I live in the foothills of Mt Diablo in the City of Concord.

Hi there! I am in Lake County but my daughters went to SMC so I have spent time in your area. Welcome to this thread! Yes,, what sort of chickens do you have? I have a mostly mixed flock made up of a variety of birds mostly acquired through BYC breeders and a couple barnyard mixes I hatched.

I am on my way today to pick up two Crested Cream Legbar girls and a few others from a breeder in Sonoma county. Not sure what else she has but I have broodies who need babies and they will be so happy to get these!

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