California - Northern

I can't narrow down my list of breeds.  I'm trying so hard but don't want to give up anything!!  i'm avoiding rare breed auction like the plague.  i don't even look at the BST forum on here.  arrgh!  I keep making list after list after list, then end up with the same conclusion... build more pens, but I can't do it.  gotta make a firm line.  man, this is hard!!!  I just want everything.  

OMG Jeff, I have been doing the same thing. I make lists, I go out and look at the flock. That's about as far as I get... They are all so amazing. I feel so blessed to have so many beautiful Chickens. I really need to decide. Winter is coming. I would like to lighten my work load... And feed Bill. :/. Molly
Did anyone go to the Auburn home and garden show this weekend? i wanted to go but on Tue after school I was rear ended. I was in my F250 luckly me and my oldest. we are ok. she has shoulder pain. other then that we are shaken and ok physically. anyways at the home show a feed store was going to be there that is in auburn and they sell chicks and feed. I wanted to check them out. I don't go to auburn much cuz the road and my wide truck. but i wanted to just see.

Sorry to here you got rear ended
I hope you feel better soon...
I wanted to go to the home show. I got busy and forgot... Bummer...
At least Winter is only one season, not like on the Game of Thrones...

I am trying to keep my feed bill lower. I am giving them Groats or Chicken Wheat. If I mix it with the pellets, they rip up the feed and scatter it all over the ground to get to the grains. What I have been doing is giving them a feeder full of oats but only after the eat their layer pellets. The Oats last for one day. The layer pellets last for three or so. They really love those Groats. They even hold out on the pellets to get the Oats or Wheat.

I think they are on to me...

At least Winter is only one season, not like on the Game of Thrones...

I am trying to keep my feed bill lower. I am giving them Groats or Chicken Wheat. If I mix it with the pellets, they rip up the feed and scatter it all over the ground to get to the grains. What I have been doing is giving them a feeder full of oats but only after the eat their layer pellets. The Oats last for one day. The layer pellets last for three or so. They really love those Groats. They even hold out on the pellets to get the Oats or Wheat.

I think they are on to me...


What is chicken wheat?
ouch sorry glad everyone sounds to be ok. I think that feed store is on Nevada street. what kind of chicks are you looking for?
If that is the one I am thinking of I know where it is. I may go up next week and check it out. not sure yet on what chicks. i am thinking of next year some FBCM, and may some BLRW. we have 3 and my youngest loves the colors on them. But I do for sure what more chickens that lay a dark choc egg. People here in Lincoln love my eggs. i am hoping in dec my young pullets will be laying. i have some for the freezer i think i may keep them now. i keep changing my mind. YIKES!!!
RON! he who knows!
I need the link to UC davis. I needed a day not to think about it yesterday so I didn't find it, and now I'm trying to get it out with DH so I don't have to carry her again. I could only find there non backyard form on the web, its 120 bucks , i know that is wrong.

Papa, I feel your pain, in a small way. I won an auction for FIFTY ( well maybe 60 but whos counting...) eggs that should get here today. We candled and I had 3 chickens here the call and go broody this weekend but still! Thats like an incubator and a 1/2! ( I gave everyone 2 eggs Saturday as bait when I saw they had been sitting. Sunday ebony had stolen them all plus what had been layed that day, and mahogony and pretty were sitting on air)

I hope at least a few of them are blue showgirls. or paint showgirls, I cold sneak paint in there and no one would mind if they got a surprise paint...
RON! he who knows!
I need the link to UC davis. I needed a day not to think about it yesterday so I didn't find it, and now I'm trying to get it out with DH so I don't have to carry her again. I could only find there non backyard form on the web, its 120 bucks , i know that is wrong.

Papa, I feel your pain, in a small way. I won an auction for FIFTY ( well maybe 60 but whos counting...) eggs that should get here today. We candled and I had 3 chickens here the call and go broody this weekend but still! Thats like an incubator and a 1/2! ( I gave everyone 2 eggs Saturday as bait when I saw they had been sitting. Sunday ebony had stolen them all plus what had been layed that day, and mahogony and pretty were sitting on air)

I hope at least a few of them are blue showgirls. or paint showgirls, I cold sneak paint in there and no one would mind if they got a surprise paint...
Hi Shanith,

It sounds like you are on the right web site but the wrong line. The line below says: <1000 birds on premise (must state # at site) No charge. Go to the links at the top of the page and click the one that says submission form and get the form for back yard flocks.

You Might want to ship or go to a lab that is closer to you. It is going to be 100 degrees here for the next 3 days, so you should put an ice pack in with her. Here is the info:


You can send dead birds here for necropsy testing. I hope you don't need it, but Debi/PetRock suggested this addition and it's a good one. Thanks Debi and Ron, for the link.

UC DAVIS FEDEX INFO: Their account # is 364343981. If you use their account number you will get to use UC Davis's discount which is up to 70% off. They said that they will bill you for the shipment after you get the report (or at the same time.) Also, FedEx and UPS both ship to the actual lab every day... the Postal Service doesn't.

CAHFS - Davis Laboratory
University of California
West Health Sciences Drive
Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 530-752-8700
Fax: 530-752-6253
[email protected]

CAHFS - San Bernardino Laboratory
Branch Chief: Dr. Hailu Kinde
105 W. Central Avenue
San Bernardino, CA
Phone: (909) 383-4287
Fax: (909) 884-5980
[email protected]

CAHFS - Tulare Laboratory
Branch Chief: Dr. Patricia Blanchard
18830 Road 112
Tulare, CA
Phone: (559) 688-7543
Fax: (559) 686-4231
[email protected]

CAHFS - Turlock Laboratory
Branch Chief: Dr. Bruce Charlton
1550 Soderquist Rd.
Turlock, CA
Phone: (209) 634-5837
Fax: (209) 667-4261
[email protected]

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