California - Northern

So I go out today to check on my almost 2 week old babies that have the EcoGlow50 in their brooder. Poor things were panting like crazy. I had to open the pop door to the little run and wedge the tip roof to give them some air circulation. Everybody is okay, but the little coop I brood in holds heat well, which is nice when it's cold - but not so much on a warm day like today.
Glad everyone is okay! It's hot here, too. I was a little worried about our Silkie babies since they're in a room that gets hot anyway, but everyone seems very happy so far.
May I ask you guys a question please? Are white silkie chickens yellow or white as a chick? does anyone have any photos they could show me? Thanks a lot!
Roosters don't need them................................

*laugh.... giggle... snort*
The heat lamp would only be necessary at night for the first couple of weeks too.

We love to see pictures, so post some when you can!

I will definitely be posting photos as soon as I manage to take some decent ones, hopefully once they've settled in a bit more. Looking forward to sharing cute fluffy butt pics!
A little extra protein probably won't hurt, and if you can give her treats by hand, she may calm down a bit. If no one is picking on her now, she should be fine (and much happier:) ). From what I've seen, the skittish birds tend to be the ones that get picked on repeatedly. Dominant birds only get picked on once! Having a lot of space for your flock and places for the timid birds to get away from the meanies can help.

Thank you! I will pick her up some meal worms!

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