Cameras for Ducks


In the Brooder
7 Years
Mar 15, 2012
Sterling, MA
Some of you take amazing pictures of your ducklings and ducks. What kind of cameras do you use and are you more than amateur photographers?

They are so fast I'm having trouble getting quality pictures. My ducklings don't just sit in my hand for a photo op like some of yours...
I am by far not professional, but I take LOTS of pictures and out of the 40-50 pictures I take, i'll get maybe 2 or 3 that are worth sharing. I've found that that's the best way when you don't have cooperative subjects! LOL Good thing cameras are digital now - don't have to worry about developing crummy pics!
Lots of pictures, lots of time, and trying to get down on their level. I look for a good optical zoom in my cameras - but I tend to use point and shoot ones . . . . my main camera has a 15 x optical zoom and my husband just got one with a 30x that is amazing. Then I can crop the picture and it looks like you were right there with them. My ducklings were always pretty jumpy - it was hard getting good pictures till they grew up a bit because they are so fast. Some cameras will take 6 or 10 pictures automatically in a row if you have the right settings.

I also prefer natural light and usually try to take pictures outside rather than in an enclosed space.
The more images you take, the better chance of getting a few good ones. I use a Canon EOS Rebel T3 Digital SLR - as I was getting very frustrated with the shutter speed of my previous camera.
It is not ducklings I am taking pictures of for the most part, but chicks are just as fast :p
Take lots of photos, pick out a few of the very best ones and then put them into your photo program on your computer and crop the background off the picture. You'll be amazed what cropping and filling the frame with your subject does to your photo.
Right now I am using my Nikon point and shoot type digital camera because everyone is still indoors and the light isn't great. To get them to stand still I put something "new" in their playpen and they will be still while they are looking at it and trying to decide if they should investigate or run away. It also helps if you can get them in natural light if you are inside, so next to windows or patio doors. When the weather improves and they can go outside for playtime I will switch to my Canon Rebel slr or Fujica slr film cameras for better pictures. I do like digital but for some things I prefer old fashioned. I agree with everyone else, the key is to take a lot of pictures until you are better.
I have a Nikon D60 DLSR. I would classify myself as an amature photog with more book learnin' than real skill - LOL! Take LOTS of pics and pay attention to the light for a really great looking shot. Photography is really about light (or lack there-of). You have to get down on their level (or bring them up to yours) and perspective/focal length will make a big difference between a so-so pic and a great one.

for this one the light was important and the focal length has the foreground and background out of focus (Muscovy)

This is a table in my barnyard that brings them up to my level (Welsh Harlequin)

This one was all about the light (Muscovy)
Also, if your camera is like most, you have quality setting options. For these types of pictures, where you know you are going to be cropping or otherwise manipulating them, you want to choose the highest quality setting possible. This prevents your cropped pictures from becoming pixilated.

High quality pics do use up quite a bit of memory, though, so make sure to set it back to regular quality for everyday pics.

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