
heres another !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This cat looks just like your avatar.

Me too I have long tails and short i do not Dock .
I started a new line for Genetic Diversity 5 yrs ago and have had the number 1 kitten and number 2 kitten . I feed raw and some kibble but i am very picky ,
They are so awesome
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I adopted this little boy at the Humane Society a week ago. I had never seen a cat with this color pattern before so I done some research and found out that he is a Snowshoe Siamese. He has golden-rimmed blue eyes that are just absolutely gorgeous, he is extremely curious and very affectionate. His name is Merlock.

I adopted this little boy at the Humane Society a week ago. I had never seen a cat with this color pattern before so I done some research and found out that he is a Snowshoe Siamese. He has golden-rimmed blue eyes that are just absolutely gorgeous, he is extremely curious and very affectionate. His name is Merlock.

Cute! He looks like my boy, Jackson. He was very light in color when he was little, but now he is a lot darker. I completely melt when I see him, because he is so cute!


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