Chat Thread for the New Crazy 24 hour Auction

Thank you for all the info. I knew I came to the right place to get some help. So how do you know if someone is a 2 day or a 3 day?
if you're familiar with and shipping labels.printed from there, then you can figure cost for different options such from that site. Plus you get a decent discount for shipping from online.
Most of them survived. I lost a few. It could have been so much worse.

The multiple power outages ruined a lot of eggs in the incubators (except for the quail eggs. Those things are incredibly tough!). 

I had several kinds of eggs incubating that I had bought and paid for. Some didn't hatch at all, some hatched very poorly.

Just before all that horrible weather started, I had bought Blue Slate turkey eggs. 3 have hatched, but one of those doesn't look good. That makes some mighty expensive turkeys. I'm just sick about it. Turkey eggs usually hatch good for me, even shipped ones. My own Midget turkey eggs almost all died in shell. And now I don't know whether I'll have more to set this year. I sure wanted to build up my turkey numbers for next spring.

Very sorry for your losses... :hugs

But glad it wasn't worse for you... I don't have turkeys and am still separating some of my birds for pures, but I would gladly send you some if you want them... :)
Where is folks finding the pictures of chickens that they post in BYC and Facebook. I saw one that I liked and wanted, but can't get it to copy to my phone.

The one I saw that I liked was a picture of about a thousand chickens and said "chicken people be like.....................yeah I have twelve maybe 15 chickens.

I have moved on to telling dh " oh those are going to the butcher in the fall"....

@misfitmorgan: I hope you will have some of those muscovey eggs available for me at the end of this month. Those whites are my favs

I have a trio of white. They are only a few months old. LOVE them so far. Do you like them for meat or eggs? I have not had either yet....

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