Chicken Breed Focus - Erminette


This year we will be conducting a breed census during breeding season to get a good understanding of the total number of birds which are making a genetic contribution to the breed. The census will run from April 1st through May 15th (The census is live now for anyone who wants to get a jump start of filling it out).

Please take a few moments to fill out the census at The American Erminette/ Home

The American Erminette/ Home
The Erminette - An American Original. Welcome to the Erminette Breed Website. Find all things Erminette here!

Thank you for taking the time to fill this out. Please let those you know who raise Erminettes about the census.

Kind Regards
I live on the Welsh Borders in the UK and have been breeding 'Paints' for a number of years.
These were bred from Australorp X Cornish Game (UK) originally. The birds are good layers and hold meat very well. The Black male in the pen is a Welsh Black Fowl a breed I developed over the last 10 years.View attachment 2445626
Wow, very interesting!
Hello all. There is a book on Erminettes called THE AMERICAN ERMINETTE that is now available on Amazon. For anyone interested in learning more about the breed, I encourage you to go and check it out.

Happy New Year!
The name Erminette is given to both a color and a breed in progress in the United States. The Erminette color is a very attractive white with, ideally, even black spotting, it is not a true breeding color, crossing two Erminette colored birds also giving white and black birds.

Birds of this color, but various types and breeds (clean and feather legged, different combs, body style etc) were shown starting in the 1870s in the United States, first apparently by John H. Sutliffe of Bristol, Connecticut later followed by a number of other breeders. There was never a set type for the bird, but geneticist Mr F.B. Hutt and breeder Mr. Burr starting around the 1940’s studying the genetics of the Erminette pattern developed a line of single combed birds of Plymouth Rock body type, that eventually became the generally accepted type by default.

The breed was considered extinct by the SPPA in the 1980’s, but as luck would have it, in the 1990’s Ron Nelson came across a flock in Wisconsin from which he obtained hatching eggs. He worked on improving the breed, but his untimely death lead to his flocks being dispersed and the remaining Erminette flock was crossed with other breeds. Glenn Drowns of Sand Hill Preservation Center eventually obtained some of these birds and, along with a number of other breeders is currently attempting to bring back the Erminette as a breed. Besides the original black spotted white birds, they are also working on a red spotted line, and blue spotted also exist.

The Erminettes as obtained from Sand Hill, are fairly large birds of Rock type, some are featherlegged, the coloring is quite varied. The hens are good layers of 180 plus large light brown eggs a year. They are broody and will set. They are quite winter hardy and good foragers. They have nice temperaments and get along with other large breeds.

BurrOakHill has written a wonderful account of the history and current status of the Erminette:


Breed purpose: Eggs, Meat
Comb Type: Usually single
Broodiness: Average
Climate Tolerance: Cold hardy.
Weight: varies, generally a large sized bird
Egg Productivity: Good, 180 plus a year
Egg Size: Large
Egg Color: Light Brown

All pics by @Kelsie2290


Few spot pullets

Red cockerel

BYC Breed Discussions:

Do you own Erminettes? Are you an Erminette breeder? If so, please reply to this thread with the your thoughts and experiences, including:

· What made you decide to get this breed?
· Do you own them for fun? Breeding? Some other purpose?
· What are your favorite characteristics about this breed?
· Post some pics of your birds; male/female, chicks, eggs, etc!

We have a bunch of other awesome breed-focus threads for you to enjoy. You can see all of them here:
Wyoming: Cabin on the Pond has a growing flock, with foundation birds from both Matt Solomen of Smokey Butte Ranch in Salina Kansas, and Glenn Drowns at Sand Hill Preservation Center in Calamus Iowa, the two largest breeders. My focus is on Black Roosters, White and deeply black spotted hens. Both Matt and Glenn run seperate red/gold spotted lines, but I don't have the space, so any showing those colors are moved on to other homes.


Not sure if these guys are the same. I hatched them from eggs someone gave me
These are brahma chickens mostly.

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