Chicken breeders or Folks in South Africa?

@hedz82 @whoop whoop in Jo'burg we got our first proper rain for the season, freezing cold and wet, and 100% overcast, not much better than England at the moment
So as to the weather, one of my three cotton balls died last night, it looks like she had a heart attack from the this common, just seems so odd that she could have died for something so simple. She was indoors and everything, have no idea what happened...
I must say, our duck's lay just as well as our chicken's.. They are heathier, if hand raised eat from your hand and have more emotion & personality.. They don't always need water to swim in, acctaully they are On land so much more than in their make shift pond.. We use a horse trough.. Big, exquisite tasting egg's. It what the French use in their pastries.. Yum here are our spoiled brat's.



I love to see your coops & set up keep those photo's coming..
So here is my limited progress on the coop, I hope to finish this weekend as I don't write of Friday or Monday, but Physics tomorrow:hit Ok, not sure how clearly you can see it but on the left where that roll of wire is is where the coop itself will be extended from the end of the fence to the end of the box, and we are going to put a gate in at the top right. After all that we can going to suspend shade netting between the trees high enough that we can still walk in there, secured to the fence/wall.
Great area.. Love the round stone decoration you have... Great yard to start a garden...
@City farm, thanks, we try but it's a bit of a struggle with our dogs, the trample everything, impossible to have any semblance of a garden with them. That half the reason I was able to persuade my parents to use the flower beds into a chicken coop, cause it's just a bed of soil at the moment. Hope tenet don't kill the new lawn, all the grass in those pics were planted about two weeks before the photos were taken. Wanted to finish the coop this weekend but the rain put an end to that.
So as to the weather, one of my three cotton balls died last night, it looks like she had a heart attack from the this common, just seems so odd that she could have died for something so simple. She was indoors and everything, have no idea what happened...
Oh I'm sorry..
So as to the weather, one of my three cotton balls died last night, it looks like she had a heart attack from the this common, just seems so odd that she could have died for something so simple. She was indoors and everything, have no idea what happened...

Condolences from us.. :hugs
Check out this thread. Did you do a necropsy ?? you can post the photo's on this thread or see why some chicken's just all of a sudden pass.
Thanks everyone
from what we can tell the Lightning did it for her, bit too much shock I guess, it was also the first storm since she hatched
Hi all , well our new bush pig keeps breaking into our rooster camp , not sure why he is doing it , there is not that much feed lying around as we only feed them very little in the morning and afternoon as they are always outside and eating bugs and grass etc , does anyone know if a bush pig would be a threat towrds chickens , I really want to keep him around , must be a way to keep him and chooks in harmony lol
@Colin Fow my mum grew up on a farm and once the pigs broke into the chicken pen and ate all of them so it is possible that he might go for the roosters.
@whoop whoop I wanted to ask, I'm a bit confused, are Pekin Bantams the same as Cochin Bantams here?
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