Chicken Entrance.


9 Years
Jun 21, 2010
Northern Indiana
For the chickens to enter their coop, do they have to have a gang plank down to the ground? Or can it be up a few inches and they hop up?
What is best for Isa Browns, or any chicken?
Thank you.

if its only a few inches from the ground they ca, and will, just jump, if its higher you can give them a ramp but they may or may not use it. Bantams often prefer to fly up, as do some standards. but its good to give them to option.
My chicken door is hinged at the bottom and forms the ramp when open (See pics on my BYC page). I learned to put a couple bolts at the top of the door/bottom of the ramp to set on a block when open to prevent wood rot. (it's the second door made, first was a learning experience)
My pop door is about one foot off the ground and about 12" square. They have no problems hopping up. I normally let them into the run at about 7 weeks old, so I know chickens this old and older have no problems with this arrangement.
I like that idea. I have a chicken mobile. I may have to do that. Others sent me some excellent ways to put the door up. Thnak you

Just be sure to tack a strip of inner-tube rubber over the hinge area-----it prevents chicken poo from caking up and jamming the hinge action. It flexes each time the door shuts and "pops off the poo" (How often do you get to use the phrase "pops off the poo" in a sentence)
Also if you do the ramp that swings down and also closes the coop up at night you should really think about painting or otherwise weatherproofing the ramp. I have one of these and when it's been raining all day the wood swells and getting the coop shut at night is a pain.
I'm planning on putting polyurethane on mine this weekend.
Agree with superchemicalgirl, I painted mine and it's trimmed undersized enough to seat when closed.

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