CHICKEN / FOWL NAMES! To Name or Not to Name? Do You Name Yours? W/ Sally Sunshine & BantyChooks

oh I am so in love with FABIO!!!!!!  so handsome!!!!!  you have other pics of this flock?  would love to see more more more!!


Technically, it's that comb in relation to his massive flowing crest that's making Fabio a keeper. I want to see how his daughters crests look. His earlobes are too red though, and he is more gold than cream. My birds are ab line cream Legbars, and I worked hard on getting straight combs and reasonable crests, and now I'm bringing back white lobes. I'm super excited for my next hatch in spring! I'm probably going to start early, suddenly people are asking about birds since word spread!

I also have Birchen Marans, and I'm working on weeding out carnation comb without sacrificing color. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet, I don't have the money to start over from scratch! Progress is slow but there is progress.

This is our FBCM Charlemagne. He is our first rooster, and once he's past his quarantine stage, he will have the unenviable task of uniting three different aged flocks of lovely ladies! (Medieval history defence there!)
And yes, we've named them all... themed names like after toy dolls (Barbie, Skipper, Holly Hobby, Bratt, Raggedy Ann, Kewpie, Cabbage Patch...etc. etc.)
Oh, yes! Ours are pets and have names, as follows:

Bagheera (Black Australorp)
Bridgett (Plymouth Barred Rock)
Margo (Brown Leghorn)
Rusty (New Hampshire Red... yes, I know. Super original. Named by hubby. LOL!)

Unfortunately, I can't figure out how to add pictures to this post from my phone.
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Quote: Love them!!

I have to tell you a story
I have two related bcm typically I would not have hatched their eggs because of the relation, however she has this lovely spotted brown egg I wanted another layer for the layer coop. I set eggs and hatched out chicks and two were chipmunked!!! how can two bcm send out a chipmunk!!! I have no other roosters! So I thought maybe a brahma roo got her before I sold them off, so I set one more time, and again a chipmunk chick! I sent eggs to Mike and he hatched FOUR chipmunks!!! I set and hatched this week and Got yet another chipmunk!!! meanwhile the oldest chicks are growing out.

after speaking on the phone for an hour with a genetics dude about bcm and pheasants he tells me that they carried the gene from it being introduced at some point, and since they both carried this gene they got double copies and produced dun dun dun Partridge Marans...
DOLP!!! whodathunk!!

These two chicks came from parents below LOL

I love her spotted eggs for my eggbasket


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